The TRUTH is FOUND when MEN are FREE to PURSUE it.

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My MUM didn't want me to REALLY PURSUE MUSIC in the BEGINNING, but I'm a classically trained guitarist because of her.

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Music has been my real SOLACE. And that's why I PLAY music. And that's why I'm so DETERMINED, or have been so determined to PURSUE what I wanted to do, come what may.

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You have to KNOW your IDENTITY. It's the biggest thing in WANTING to PURSUE CREATIVE dreams.

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Marginalized Americans should not be defined by the verbal and physical violence that looms over our HEADS. We have a RIGHT to exist, to live as we choose and to be FREE to pursue our happiness without the fear of others demonizing US or harming us just because of who we are.

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It is our duty as legislators to protect the SUCCESS of our students as they pursue HIGHER EDUCATION.

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I didn't grow up dreaming of being the next WWE superstar, to be HONEST. But I THINK that it doesn't matter how OLD you are. When you see something you like, you want to PURSUE it.

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Given that Chiru also comes from a family which is closely ASSOCIATED with the film industry, I know I will get more support from them to PURSUE my acting career. I won't stop acting. As LONG as we live, we will CONTINUE to act in films.

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A lot of the Egyptian community is MADE up of doctors, pharmacists and ENGINEERS. All throughout high school I TOOK sciences, but eventually I chose to pursue what I truly WANT to do.

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