WEALTH is a TOOL of FREEDOM, but the PURSUIT of wealth is the way to SLAVERY.
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The PEOPLE have a RIGHT to the Truth as they have a right to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.

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Only he is SUCCESSFUL in his business who MAKES that pursuit which affords him the highest PLEASURE SUSTAIN him.

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Individually, PEOPLE are FINDING that a simpler lifestyle provides GREATER satisfaction than RELENTLESS pursuit of materialism.

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The pursuit of happiness, which American citizens are obliged to undertake, TENDS to involve them in TRYING to perpetuate the MOODS, TASTES and aptitudes of youth.

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Self-awareness is not self-centeredness, and SPIRITUALITY is not NARCISSISM. 'Know thyself' is not a NARCISSISTIC PURSUIT.

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Our obligation to fight POLLUTION traces the roots of its persuasion to that same moral mountaintop from which my father lent his VOICE to the voiceless. The pursuit of civil equality in HEALTH helped build our environmental laws.

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I would SAY get to know somebody who isn't exactly like you and doesn't COME from the same BACKGROUND as you, EDUCATE yourself and then just keep showing up. Finding WAYS to show up for people and your voice will come out of that relationship and out of your pursuit to seeing people who aren't exactly like you.

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The ECSTATIC INSANITY of romantic pursuit can be so enhanced by music that entire romantic conquests, victories and ruinous, crushing defeats can be TIED to songs to such a degree that it's almost unbearable to listen to them again, as they bring back the memories so vividly.

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Democracy is the common PURSUIT of mankind, and all countries MUST earnestly protect the DEMOCRATIC rights of the people.

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All my life, I have SERVED and will continue to SERVE the ANC in its pursuit of the objectives of the National DEMOCRATIC REVOLUTION.

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If Beyonce and Jay-Z had been born and raised in CUBA, they would have merely survived, with no opportunity to realize their aspirations. Only in a LAND that treasures liberty and the pursuit of HAPPINESS can such dreams become a reality.

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Just stop for a MINUTE and you'll realize you're HAPPY just being. I think it's the pursuit that screws up happiness. If we drop the pursuit, it's RIGHT here.

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There is not in the world so toilsome a TRADE as the pursuit of FAME; LIFE concludes before you have so much as sketched your WORK.

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I NEVER thought I'd be USING this PHRASE, but the pursuit of HAPPINESS - that's my right.

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