You SEE, revolution sounds like SOMETHING that happens, like turning on the light switch, but ACTUALLY it's moving a large obstacle, and a lot of folks' EFFORTS to push it in one direction or the other have to combine.

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I try to push and find something AWKWARD. The GEMS to me are truly awkward situations, and you have to have SOMEBODY who's WILLING to fail because those can't be conceived. They never play if they're thought about and discussed too much. You have to CREATE them right at the moment and look for something honest.

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It's not really the LIFE of COOKING that's hard - it's what you MAKE of it and what LEVEL you PUSH yourself to.

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To be admitted to NATURE's hearth COSTS NOTHING. None is excluded, but excludes himself. You have only to PUSH aside the CURTAIN.

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I LIKE a challenge. I get such a sense of SATISFACTION when I PUSH myself beyond what I THOUGHT I could do.

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If you NEVER budge, don't EXPECT a PUSH.

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All SPACE projects PUSH the frontiers of TECHNOLOGY and are DRIVERS of innovation.

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I always FIGHT HARD to PUSH a MOVIE to the POINT where it pulls me.

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OFTEN we women are risk averse. I NEEDED the push. Now, more than ever, young women need more seasoned women to PROVIDE that encouragement, to TAKE a risk, to go for it. Once a glass ceiling is broken, it stays broken.
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Everything about VIDEO GAMES has changed. The WRITING, the acting, the visuals, obviously - everything has GONE to a new level. And the difference that I see as an actor is that I don't have to push that EXTRA bit to sell what's going on.

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You are talking to a MAN who can only play a plastic keyboard. GIVE me anything weighted and I've had it. I haven't GOT the strength in my fingers to PUSH them down. So I don't GET a lot of expression on the keyboard.

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Honestly, my sales pitch when I was a kid was, 'You don't WANT these GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, do you?' If I had to push my own books, I'd stop writing. I HATE the conflation of marketing and writing.

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I think there are HARDSHIPS with anything you do. And for US, we have our FANS, who give us so much love and support. So, that helps us PUSH forth with whatever we are doing, and it will CONTINUE to do that in the future.

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I don't wash my hair really too MUCH, and I just ROLL out of BED and try to PUSH it out of my eyes.

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I don't push buttons to push buttons. Throwing the REBEL CARD out there is really CHEAP.

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