If you look at any successful professional - a salesperson, a marketer, a real estate AGENT, a trader - they all have the same qualities as the con man. The only difference is that one side uses their TALENTS in the right DIRECTION and the con man is taking the EASY WAY out.

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The BEAUTY of a FACE is not a separate QUALITY but a RELATION or proportion of qualities to each other.

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After all, SCIENCE is ESSENTIALLY international, and it is only through lack of the historical SENSE that national QUALITIES have been attributed to it.

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There can be no QUESTIONING Paulo Dybala's QUALITIES.

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It is GENERALLY admitted that the most beautiful qualities of a COLOR are in its transparent STATE, applied over a WHITE ground with the light SHINING through the color.

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To think STRAIGHT, it is advisable to EXPECT all qualities and attributes, adjectives, and so on to refer to at least two SETS of interactions in TIME.

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LEADERS come in many forms, with many styles and diverse QUALITIES. There are QUIET leaders and leaders one can hear in the next COUNTY. Some find STRENGTH in eloquence, some in judgment, some in courage.
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I wanted Jesus in 'A.D.' to be very, very, very human - to have those QUALITIES of vulnerability and doubt and pain and sadness and loneliness. Once the resurrection HAPPENS and we SEE that Jesus has risen, it's almost COMPLETE, right? It's all about the joy and the SMILE and the happiness and the closeness to the disciples.

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Whatever KIND of SEED is sown in a field, prepared in due season, a PLANT of that same kind, marked with the PECULIAR qualities of the seed, springs up in it.

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You have to lead by example. You have to be the calmest person in the room. You have to be very open. I think the QUALITIES of a director are to enable and to find the BEST in everybody.

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Be ABLE to cite THREE good QUALITIES of EVERY relative or ACQUAINTANCE that you dislike.

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I have ALWAYS been CONVINCED of my QUALITIES and never doubted what I'm CAPABLE of, even if a COACH is judged by his results.

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The Dalai Lama's entire being is about peace and HARMONY, forgiveness and self-discipline. Those are qualities to be ADMIRED. I am really looking FORWARD to MEETING His HOLINESS.

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