TRUMP is not some random, embittered person in a PARKING lot - he's the president of the UNITED STATES. By virtue of his office, he SPEAKS for the country.
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I GUESS EVERYWHERE I go, I get inspired by those places, and then I have a bunch of Voicenotes on my phone. Everywhere I go, I think of these random melodies. It's CRAZY because everywhere you go, the melodies are totally DIFFERENT.

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I always think about taking 10 RANDOM people off the STREET and trying to PAIR them. Probably a lot of them are not going to work out, but randomly one MIGHT. That's basically what they're doing on 'The Bachelorette.' Here's 25 guys, see if you like one of them and it might work out.

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Everyone will be happier if fewer women are tied to abusive men, drop out of SCHOOL, and live impoverished LIVES because of a RANDOM PREGNANCY.

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NONE of us WANTS to be reminded that DEMENTIA is random, relentless, and frighteningly COMMON.
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