Most people want to be on TV as much as possible. I went up the ranks so fast because I was doing impressions, and nobody was REALLY doing it when I started. I never got a CHANCE to explore what's my COMFORT level onstage.

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So many other countries have had FEMALE leaders, in fact the U.S. ranks 61st in female representation in GOVERNMENT and I THINK it is startling and sign of a CHANGE that needs to be made.

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What I SEE with the UTILITY industry is, more and more, we're taking up this belief that our workforce, our LEADERSHIP ranks, our board should be reflective of the COMMUNITY that we serve.

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There is ROOM in our ranks for the OLD and decrepit, as WELL as the YOUNG and VIGOROUS.

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It is an honor to JOIN the ranks of sports icons such as Muhammad Ali and TIGER WOODS by being immortalized in wax at Madame Tussauds Washington, D.C.

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Some MAY remember that, in 2010, I publicly broke ranks with my COLLEAGUES from the Quebec City area who were pushing our government to subsidize a new SPORTS amphitheater in the city. They had seized on this popular project to... What else? BUY votes.

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There was a previous generation of women who rose through the ranks in an environment when work and life were highly compartmentalized. And I think now, because of technology, we're always on. Where there used to be work life and HOME life, now it's one life. And I think a LOT of companies don't RECOGNIZE that.

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With the growth of Harvard from a small provincial college into a great University, a UNIQUE paranoia has swept the ranks of local officialdom, furrowing brows throughout University Hall. The LURKING FEAR is that somehow, in the operations of the gigantic administrative machine, a student MIGHT get lost in the shuffle.

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In any assembly the SIMPLEST way to STOP transacting BUSINESS and split the ranks is to appeal to a PRINCIPLE.

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Some people work their entire lives to become a PROFESSIONAL fighter and SEE CERTAIN guys with exposure or just a NAME, hop into the professional ranks. It can rub people the wrong way and have them very doubtful of your skills because they see first-hand the HARD work and how many years it takes to master this.

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When one has RETIRED from the ranks of American domestic political consulting, as I have, you are not really allowed to just quit. You become emeritus, of COUNSEL, senior status, and GOD knows what.

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You can't be admitted to the ranks of WRITERS of IMPORTANCE UNLESS you have SALES.

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When it comes to belts and rank, I don't care what belt I am; I don't care what rank I am. I'm PROUD that I've achieved high ranks through some GREAT instructors AROUND the world, but ultimately, the MAT doesn't LIE.

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Colgate is the epitome of having it both WAYS. Academically, it ranks in the top twenty schools in the COUNTRY, but it is also a FAMOUS PARTY school.

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I'm interested in institutions, PARTICULARLY in the way institutions close ranks. They have hierarchies and their own ETHICS.

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