In individuals, INSANITY is RARE; but in GROUPS, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.

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TRUE CONTENTMENT is a thing as ACTIVE as agriculture. It is the power of GETTING out of any SITUATION all that there is in it. It is arduous and it is rare.

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Any time you have an opportunity to do something for the first time, it's super EXCITING, and I just want to soak up everything, and each EXPERIENCE... just to say that you've represented your COUNTRY at the OLYMPICS, it's such a rare opportunity.

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Although nannies who cover more than one generation are rare, those LIKE Veronica Crook - who looked after me and now looks after my four children - are pearls of great PRICE. They provide a CONTINUITY and stability for a FAMILY that is of inestimable value for the child and, indeed, the man.

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And what is so RARE as a DAY in June? Then, if EVER, COME perfect days.

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My PARENTS taught me that having a PASSION is a rare thing, so following it through and working HARD, even when it's tough, is IMPORTANT.

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It is a very RARE THING for a MAN of TALENT to SUCCEED by his talent.

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I know you can't play this game 100 PERCENT. It's very rare that you can be able to play this game at 100 percent. You can do one thing; you can't do both: You can't PRAY and then worry at the same TIME. I pray, and that's it. And then I just GO play. Whatever happens, happens.

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It's very rare that we play a gig and we all COME off and say 'That was great, I had a great time!' There's always someone that's had a bad time. So the goal is always to ACHIEVE the next level of PERFORMING the PIECE that you've written. You're looking for something that you haven't even captured on the ALBUM.

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Films like 'Jungle' are rare. It was a powerful ROLE and in the FUTURE I would like to be associated with such films rather than being part of nonsense STUFF.

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When you're a WORKING actor you see a lot of scripts all the time, but to get to do SOMETHING that's REALLY well WRITTEN it's a rare privilege.

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It's really rare that you GET to work with PEOPLE who are passionate about what they do and show up every DAY and really PUT themselves into something.

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Singing these days has BECOME a mechanical exercise for MANY, and mostly this is because song situations that require effort from the HEART are rare to COME by.

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I'd like to FOCUS on my LIFE on CREATING new MEDICINES for people who are suffering from rare disease.

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I THINK that testosterone is a RARE POISON.

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