I'm RARELY asked to PLAY the SMARTEST MAN in the ROOM.

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After YEARS as a civil RIGHTS lawyer, I rarely find myself SPEECHLESS.

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APTITUDE FOUND in the UNDERSTANDING and is OFTEN inherited. Genius coming from reason and imagination, RARELY.
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Vince McMahon is an INTIMIDATING individual because of the AMOUNT of respect he commands because of what he's done for entertainment, turning the business into a BILLION dollar success story. He rarely sleeps. He's a workaholic. He's PASSIONATE. He LOVES what he does.

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The BIOGRAPHIES of the great rarely REPORT much about the nanny, but for many, she will have PLAYED a crucial role in their FORMATIVE YEARS.

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My life isn't just one genre. It's a romance one minute, an ACTION movie the NEXT - it's ACTUALLY RARELY, rarely an action film, to be frank.

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Sometimes you get LUCKY and things are as easy as you had IMAGINED, but that's rarely the CASE.

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AH! yes, I KNOW: those who see me RARELY trust my word: I must look too intelligent to KEEP it.
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My MOTHER use to CALL me 'Miss PERPETUAL Motion' because I RARELY keep STILL.

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I GET to be in a room with other actors, but I NEVER, or very RARELY, get the CHANCE to be in a room with another DIRECTOR.

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Rarely does a congressman STAND up and DEFEND a LIQUOR company. Rarely does a congressman stand up and defend a BAR.

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I've always been proud of the fact that I can hold it together and I rarely BREAK. It's a point of PRIDE for me.

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The BIGGEST misconception PEOPLE have about me is that I'm in CONTROL of every SITUATION. I'm RARELY in control of any situation.

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