While I hold my own political views, it's important not to GET too wrapped up in individual candidates and personalities, but INSTEAD to FOCUS on the REALISSUES.
Usually, if I can't FALL asleep, you will find me catching up on a good BOOK or zoning out with an episode of 'The REAL Housewives.' I always have a couple books on my bedside table in various stages of completion.
If I MADE a commitment, I stood by that commitment - and try to make it REAL. Because when you BECOME leaders, the most IMPORTANT thing you have is your word, your trust. That's where RESPECT comes from.
My REAL name is Joseph Herbert. My DAD is white; my MOM's Asian, FILIPINO. And when I started stand-up 22 years ago, I used to go up as Joseph Herbert, and I would just have to DEFEND my name. Every time I went onstage, it was so annoying. People would heckle.
Because I sidestepped all the stereotypical roles, in a way I've MADE a CAREER out of not being ASIAN - a lot of my roles weren't written as Asian - so there's an impulse in me that WANTS to take a U-turn and play a very GROUNDED, real Asian character, maybe an immigrant.
STUDENTS teach all sorts of things but most importantly they make explicit the courage that it TAKES to be a learner, the courage it takes to open yourself to the transformative power of REAL learning and that courage I am exposed to almost every DAY at MIT and that I'm DEEPLY grateful for.
Don't CRY Daddy is a pretty SAD song. He got to the end of it and it was just real quiet and Elvis says, I'm gonna cut that SOMEDAY for my daddy. And, by God, he did. He lived up to his WORD.