I'm SURE that STEVE Douglas, the character I play, has been HELPFUL to some parents who APPLY his reasoning and ideas to help raise their children.

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There is a strange SORT of REASONING in Hollywood that musicals are LESS worthy of ACADEMY consideration than dramas. It's a form of snobbism, the same sort that perpetuates the idea that drama is more deserving of Awards than comedy.

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DEEP reading refers to a whole continuum of processes that include some of the most important things about thinking and how we connect THOUGHT to what we read - critical ANALYSIS, analogical reasoning, how we infer from the TEXT, how do we take another's perspective.

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Once you ACKNOWLEDGE that human brains are basically MADE of atoms and acknowledge that atoms are governed by simple laws of physics, then there is no reasoning principle why computers couldn't do ANYTHING that people are doing, and we don't really see any EVIDENCE that this is not the CASE.

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There's an intelligence that GOES with being a GOOD cop. Intuitiveness - they have to be actors; they have to have deductive REASONING, knowledge about a great DEAL of subjects.

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I don't WANT actors REASONING with me about 'motivation' and all that BULL.

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TRUE COURAGE is a RESULT of REASONING. A BRAVE mind is always impregnable.

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The QUESTION of causality is complex. For some philosophers and physicists, time might not EXIST. And since cause-and-effect reasoning needs the concept of time - of one THING preceding another - the effort to establish causality is a mug's game, an INFINITE regression of increasingly unanswerable questions.

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Where all is but DREAM, REASONING and arguments are of no USE, truth and knowledge NOTHING.

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My EARLY research - I'm a social psychologist, and my early research was on how PEOPLE make moral judgments. When I entered the field in 1987, everybody was looking at moral REASONING - how do kids reason about a moral dilemma? Should a guy steal a drug to save his WIFE's life?

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It's ALWAYS enjoyable TALKING with someone who has a very well-functioning, REASONING MIND.

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Making the leap from Monsanto's BUSINESS practices - whatever you may think of them - to the 'dangers' of GM foods is a mistake in LOGICAL reasoning. It is akin to saying landscape paintings are potentially EVIL because the PAINTER was a serial killer.

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Researchers MAY like to THINK that, given all the facts, we MAKE RATIONAL choices. ASK economists how that assumption works out for them. No, we are emotional creatures who use value-based reasoning in conjunction with our rationality.

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There are THREE BASIC APPROACHES to AI: Case-based, rule-based, and connectionist REASONING.

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Economics comes easily to me, and we all seek out what we do WELL in life. I had in mind becoming a BUSINESSMAN. And I was good at logic and REASONING; figures were COMFORTABLE inside my head.

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