FAN experiences are SPECIAL. They make me FEEL that I must have done something good enough to RECEIVE so much love from so many PEOPLE.
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Crypto today is a libertarian paradise. If you SEND your MONEY to the wrong PLACE, it's gone. If you send it to a merchant and don't RECEIVE the goods, you have no recourse. This is cash. Treat it as such.

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I didn't come into the MUSIC business to make MONEY. I came into it to be a success. Of COURSE, if you're successful, you'll earn money and I was HAPPY to RECEIVE it.

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If we are going to ASK for our daily bread, we've got to take the time to receive it and eat it. God PROVIDE, but we've got to slow down long enough to TASTE and see.

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Campuses should be PLACES where students are able to MAKE mistakes without fear of retribution. If there is no margin for error, it is impossible to RECEIVE a meaningful EDUCATION.

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I think education is something that is very IMPORTANT no MATTER what you are doing. It MAKES you feel secure, independent, and helps you build confidence in yourself. It grooms your whole personality. So if it starts from the basic LEVEL; if the basic education that a girl and a boy receive is the same, I think a lot will change.

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All students should have the OPPORTUNITY to RECEIVE their HIGH school diplomas and be fully PREPARED for COLLEGE or the workplace.

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I want to make sure that we have a TAX code that MAKES sure that everyone benefits, including those in poverty and those middle-income wage earners and those that have already lived the American dream as well as MAKING sure that everyone can RECEIVE the benefits of a robust ECONOMY and not just the select few.

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My dad taught me to be professional, to treat OTHERS the WAY you want to be treated, to be selfless, to give more than you RECEIVE and to ALWAYS give your best effort.

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One of life's fundamental truths STATES, 'Ask and you shall receive.' As kids we get used to asking for things, but somehow we lose this ability in adulthood. We COME up with all sorts of excuses and reasons to AVOID any possibility of criticism or REJECTION.

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The most astonishing JOY is to RECEIVE from the muses the GIFT of a WHOLE lyric.

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Legacies, athletes, and favored RACIAL minorities all receive preferential TREATMENT from admissions committees to the exclusion of academically better-qualified STUDENTS.

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I have survived ALS to continue my WORK as a musician and COMPOSER for 28 years due to the care I RECEIVE through insurance and Medicaid. Without these supports, my family can flatout not manage my care, and my life and career will be in serious JEOPARDY.

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We know that the way to decrease unplanned pregnancies and abortions is to MAKE birth control and family planning services accessible and affordable, not micromanage the type of medical information and reproductive HEALTH counseling that WOMEN around the world RECEIVE.

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The GRAMMY is the highest honor in MUSIC that we can receive, OUTSIDE of having fans come and watch you EVERY night and clap.

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