We have won laurels for the country in WRESTLING but still, in spite of winning medals, not MANY PEOPLE RECOGNISED us.

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It feels overwhelming to be recognised for 'Pink.' Surprisingly, all the FRUSTRATION, angst of not being recognised for my talent and WORK all these YEARS has disappeared OVERNIGHT, and I am LEFT only with gratitude.

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Ronald has had bicycle safety and safety in the home. Yes, Ronald is McDonald's, SECOND most RECOGNISED FIGURE after SANTA Claus, and there's an element of obviously benefiting your business.

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I get recognised quite a bit, but PEOPLE are so NICE. They SAY things like, 'Thank you for all the fun,' which is WONDERFUL to HEAR.

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There's a DIFFERENCE between those who BREED terrorism and those who FIGHT terrorism. This difference should be RECOGNISED by the people of India.

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I'm in the PUBLIC EYE. I'm RECOGNISED a small bit more. That's part and parcel of it.

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In the States, I get RECOGNISED all the time. I MET a fan once who had a TATTOO of my face on his ARM. I can SEE how some people get carried away with it, but I don't have trouble staying grounded.

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I IMMEDIATELY RECOGNISED that Freddy's vocal chords bore an uncanny resemblance to mine - or vice-versa, I guess - and yeah, the REST is history.

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