Only one COUNTRY and one SYSTEM is UNABLE to recognize our accomplishments: Russia. They make the LYING claim that our road construction PROGRAM is only on paper.

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We must recognize that as the dominant power in the world we have a special RESPONSIBILITY. In addition to PROTECTING our national interests, we must take the LEADERSHIP in protecting the COMMON interests of humanity.

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Market fundamentalists recognize that the role of the STATE in the economy is ALWAYS disruptive, inefficient, and generally has negative connotations. This leads them to believe that the market mechanism can take care of all the PROBLEMS.

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I was very SURPRISED to SEE PEOPLE who RECOGNIZE me in Puerto Rico.

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What people recognize is that there's a fear that the UNITED States is in an unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily GOING FORWARD.

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The sooner we GET STARTED with alternative energy sources and recognize that fossil fuels MAKES US less secure as a nation, and more dangerous as a PLANET, the better off we'll be.

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I feel quite connected to the past, and my memory. Everything that I've ever done I can still relate to, and feel connected to it in a WAY. There's no part of my LIFE that I look at and go, 'I don't recognize that PERSON at all.'

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We MUST RECOGNIZE the chief characteristic of the modern era - a permanent state of what I CALL violent peace.

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I've been really lucky. I THINK that you really GET what you RECOGNIZE is in the universe.

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Nothing seems to MATTER but ourselves. That's not how I was brought up. I don't RECOGNIZE the country I live in ANYMORE.

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I have a following, but it's small. I have this level of fame where PEOPLE SPOT me in the AIRPORT, consistently, but they always think they're the only one who EVER has. People will think they WIN a prize when they recognize me.

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There's something really magical about having a child - it's like permission to begin again, START over, reevaluate some THINGS, CHECK yourself. Recognize yourself. And that's kind of what happened with me - I realized, in a few places, I was going down the WRONG PATH.

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You must have the ABILITY to recognize good DESIGN and good user experience. These are CORE things at Airbnb. It doesn't MATTER which department you're in.

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People may RECOGNIZE me as some sort of superhero, but it's different. SPIDER-MAN and all these other superheroes, they get superpowers and do what they WANT to SAVE the city. If we need to save Hong Kong, we can't rely on superpowers, we can just rely on the people.

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I find it very endearing when a girl is dorky because it TAKES a very brave person to act that WAY in FRONT of people. And in every girl that I've been attracted to, I recognize the dorkiness about her because I think I have some in me. That MAKES me feel a LOT more comfortable with her.

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