Humans are still MUCH BETTER than COMPUTERS at recognizing speech.

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I THINK Donald Trump's INTERPRETATION of marriage is something that he himself doesn't really believe in. 'Traditional marriage' is where two people LOVE each other, commit to each other, care for each other over the YEARS. It is a meaningful ceremony, and his interpretation of that is not recognizing what REAL marriage is.

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Recognizing NUCLEAR as renewable, and saving Diablo Canyon, would be a BOLD move for Governor Newsom. It would UPSET his TRADITIONAL anti-nuclear environmental allies.

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Finally, I'm recognizing that rewrites aren't some cosmic PUNISHMENT for CHILDHOOD wrongs but the NATURE of the business.

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The CALL for DIVERSITY is about recognizing that in ORDER to be in the conversation come AWARDS season, it goes back to the content that is being produced.

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PEOPLE have now STARTED recognizing me as WELL as my FAMILY.
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People are more likely to PASS me on the street WITHOUT recognizing me, and that's good.

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As a child, recognizing my DIFFERENCE from other kids, I went to the LOCAL public library to try to better understand my reality. BACK then, many library card catalogues didn't even LIST 'homosexuality' as a topic.

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You can't write an image, a METAPHOR, a story, a PHRASE, without leaning a little further into the shared WORLD, without recognizing that your supposed solitude is at every POINT of its perimeter touching some other.

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It's great to have a lot of support; people recognizing what you're doing out there and identifying with you in whatever WAY they see fit is a great fit, I think, and for me it's NEAT, for people to want to COME to the golf course and WATCH me play golf.

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I'm a Democrat because I WANT every American to have a FAIR SHOT at the American Dream. That's what ties it all TOGETHER for me, and in my experience, that means recognizing that no one is dealing with life one 'issue' at a time.

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The Nordic COUNTRIES are leading the way on women's EQUALITY, recognizing women as equal CITIZENS rather than commodities for sale.

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By recognizing that the CHEMICAL atom is COMPOSED of SINGLE separable electric quanta, humanity has taken a great step forward in the investigation of the NATURAL world.

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And so we try to ADDRESS those concerns in EVERY way possible, recognizing, again, in the final analysis, everybody on that flight wants to be assured with the HIGHEST level of CONFIDENCE that everybody ELSE on that flight has been properly screened, and including me and you and everybody.

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Some PEOPLE are more FLUID than OTHERS at just being themselves and recognizing what's GOOD about themselves.

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