We need to GIVE the prime MINISTER of the day a chance. If he or she cannot WIN an election, so be it. But no prime minister can push through the reforms we need if they cannot even finish a TERM in office.

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The DRAFT Model Police Act of 2006, as PART of police reforms, provided for Special SECURITY Zones to be created in the red corridor, which is a common DEVELOPMENT area. That means bringing together diverse political components but WORKING through a coordinated bureaucracy.

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It is clear we can make reforms to BETTER ensure we are giving LAW enforcement all of the tools they need while maintaining the appropriate safeguards to PROTECT the very freedoms we cherish.

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An increase in the DEBT ceiling should be accompanied by FUNDAMENTAL policy reforms, substantial BUDGET savings, and a STRONG enforcement mechanism to tie the HANDS of any future Congress.

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It is worth noting that 'too big to fail' is not simply about size. A big institution is 'too big' when there is an EXPECTATION that GOVERNMENT will do whatever it takes to RESCUE that institution from failure, thus bestowing an effective risk premium subsidy. Reforms to end 'too big to fail' MUST ADDRESS the causes of this expectation.

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While there are no easy solutions to this problem, the DEFICIT Reduction Act GETS us started in the right direction by BEGINNING with the most obvious, commonsense reforms to SAVE taxpayer dollars.

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Thousands of PEOPLE in my district need health insurance, and ACA is helping them. I'm COMMITTED to do everything I can to HELP people get enrolled and get covered, and that includes MOVING NEEDED reforms for the bill and helping people find affordable coverage.

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While Slovakia did not make the FIRST ROUND of NATO membership, as VARIOUS requirements and reforms are instituted, these actions will enhance the opportunities to join NATO.

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We have a serious structural deficit problem. And it needs to be addressed. The PRESIDENT is trying to address it through reforms of SOCIAL SECURITY, but the problem is there with other entitlement programs like MEDICARE and Medicaid.

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PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, infrastructural policies, and so on are VITAL. But a basic income should be part of a package of reforms.

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In the 1980s, DEMOCRATS enthusiastically helped President REAGAN pass his TAX reforms, which made the tax SYSTEM fairer and more EFFICIENT in addition to reducing rates.

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There are high HOPES of France and what they're trying to ACHIEVE there by liberalising the LABOUR market and other reforms. You LOSE some, you GAIN some.

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I don't THINK any GOVERNMENT is going to go back on the reforms process. There is no government that won't attempt to get PEOPLE to COME and manufacture in India.

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True enough, the Fed NEEDS RADICAL reforms. In particular, it needs to REPLACE its failed forecasting models and be RID of the ACADEMICS who overwhelm the Fed system.

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I'm going to be WORKING the NEXT 25 or 30 years. People like me, if we want, number one, for no BENEFIT reductions for our parents and our grandparents, number two, for the SYSTEM to survive and exist for us, and, more importantly, number three, for the system to exist for us children, we are going to have to make reforms to that system.

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