I had repeatedly MADE WRITTEN requests to the Fuehrer that I MIGHT be allowed to JOIN the Wehrmacht as an ordinary soldier. He refused to give me this permission.

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SINCE childhood, I'd DREAMED of making a film, but producers in France and Germany wanted to make COMMERCIAL FILMS with chinoiserie. I refused.

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It's just that to a LOT of BRITISH people George Bush REPRESENTS the worst of all things American. He's the right-wing Christian crusader, the toxic Texan who refused Kyoto, the poll-cheat eel who undermined democracy on the back of SOMETHING called 'chads,' a notion we've never entirely grasped.

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We took AUTHORITY in the spirit world and REFUSED to give SATAN any ROOM to operate. This is our responsibility as Christian parents.

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The Nisour Square shooting is a signature point in the IRAQ WAR, one that inflamed anti-American SENTIMENT ABROAD and contributed to the impression that Americans were reckless and unaccountable. The Iraqi government wanted to prosecute the security contractors in Iraq, but the American government refused to allow it.

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There were patterns in my family that had to be broken, and I REFUSED to live my LIFE the way CERTAIN members of my family had.

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For far too long, the Republican leadership in Congress has refused to ACT and pass comprehensive REFORM fixing our broken immigration system. In light of Republican inaction, I strongly support President Obama's EXECUTIVE ACTIONS on immigration.

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If American literature has a few HEROES, Miller is one of them. He REFUSED to name NAMES at the McCarthy hearings, and his play 'The Crucible' analysed the hearings in the CONTEXT of a previous American mass psychosis, the Salem WITCH trials.

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When cellphones came out, my GIRLFRIEND refused to GET one for five YEARS, because she thought it would turn her into SOMEBODY who couldn't connect with other people - and, of course, she got a cellphone.

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I had WRITTEN a tune called 'Shake, Rattle and Roll,' but the white stations refused to play it - they THOUGHT it was low-class black MUSIC. We thought what we needed was a NEW name. But a white disc jockey named Alan Freed laid on it, and he thought up the name 'rock N' roll.'

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I turned down a lot of parts, and I ate a lot of canned tuna for dinner because I was just like, 'No, I don't want to do that; no, that's AWFUL.' But sticking to my guns PAID off, and I can LOOK back now and be proud that I REFUSED to take any stereotypical Asian parts.

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When it comes to the health of our families, Barack REFUSED to listen to all those folks who told him to leave health reform for ANOTHER day, another president. He didn't care WHETHER it was the easy THING to do POLITICALLY - that's not how he was raised - he cared that it was the right thing to do.

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Here's SOMETHING WEIRD, though: I loved Jimi's music so much that I WOULD never perform it for people. Throughout my teens and playing in various bands, I refused to play Hendrix songs. I KNOW that sounds strange, but Jimi's music was so SPECIAL to me that it was like works of art that shouldn't be touched or altered.

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If the adjustment made by a court can be ACCEPTED or not, it will be REFUSED whenever the MEN can gain more by continuing the STRIKE, with whatever of violence that involves.

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