REGARDING the HALL of Fame, when they decided I was going to be one of the possible candidates, when I HEARD that, I was so thrilled. You're ALWAYS hoping for something like that.
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I WOULD NEVER have been a GOOD reporter because I am not ACCURATE regarding FACTS.

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REGARDING my POSITION, I feel really COMFORTABLE in any position up front.
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REGARDING Jose Mourinho, I HOPE I can learn a LOT from him - he is a coach with a fantastic RECORD.
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Life EXPERIENCES HELP in UNDERSTANDING the character. And MANY things come to your mind regarding the character SKETCH when you read the script as many times as possible.

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EVERYTHING we think about regarding SUSTAINABILITY - from ENERGY to agriculture to MANUFACTURING to population - has a water footprint. Almost all of the water on EARTH is salt water, and the remaining freshwater supplies are split between agricultural use and human use - as well as maintaining the existing natural environment.
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Hoosiers deserve a straightforward approach about information REGARDING blocked railroad crossings and I commend the FEDERAL Railroad Administration's willingness to work with all parties INVOLVED on this IMPORTANT issue.

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I NEVER get into the details REGARDING my own personal situation.

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I TRY to not be too HARD on myself regarding my DIET. I've ALWAYS been a workout-to-eat kind of a GIRL.

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I try to not be too hard on myself REGARDING my diet. I've always been a workout-to-EAT KIND of a GIRL. I like to eat, to say the least.

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In terms of whether my mom was influential, I think she instilled a CERTAIN way of THINKING in me quite early: having a reflective MINDSET regarding my actions and trying to find the underlying REASONS to behavior. I think that's quite helpful when you're trying to UNDERSTAND a character.

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NOTHING that we have authorized conflicts with any LAW REGARDING PRIVACY or any provision of the CONSTITUTION.
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People REALLY have come for a DIALOGUE when they go to a stand-up show in the U.K. They say, 'I understand that you have now finished your LITTLE comedy monologue; now I have SOMETHING to say regarding what I've just heard.

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The INCOMPETENCE REGARDING body and VEHICLE armor rises almost to a LEVEL of criminal negligence.

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