FAR too often, I have been accepted or REJECTED for work because of the COLOR of my SKIN.

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DESPITE the strength of the feminist MOVEMENT in the 1970s and beyond, a fable has persisted that educated WOMEN are rejected as marriage PARTNERS.

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In 2011, General Alston, four-star commander in Iraq, recommended to the President, a force LEVEL of over 20,000. The President rejected it and PULLED out all the FORCES with what is now known as a disastrous consequence in SYRIA.

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In my journey, I GOT amazing characters to play which were as interesting as a LEAD role. In 'Commando,' my role was so good. I FEEL no actor have REJECTED that KIND of a role.

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I didn't expect any SUCCESS at all. I was rejected by every publisher in the WORLD and every agent in TOWN.

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You would not believe some of the SCRIPTS I have seen. I have read something LIKE 160 that I've rejected, and I KEEP them all, for posterity.

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Throughout my career, when I have been rejected, there was sometimes subtext, and it was this: People will not READ your WORK because these are not UNIVERSAL STORIES.

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I worked for many YEARS as a writer for children and then wrote two adult novels of the kind they call 'literary' WITHOUT any very great disturbance to this kind of life. Then, something went wrong. My third adult NOVEL was REJECTED by the publisher of the first two. And I could not understand the criticism offered.

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I'd applied to graduate school for playwriting, and I GOT rejected by EVERY school. I felt that theatre was closed but that, when it CAME to film, the door was very slightly ajar. If I have any virtues, it's that I'm good at walking through DOORS that are slightly ajar.

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When I did these PSYCHOLOGICAL characters like the drug addicts, the ONES who were rejected and dejected, I started to FEEL a SORT of melancholia which was very unnatural for me to have at a teenage. Then I AVOIDED those characters.

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I had spent FIVE years not earning a penny, getting rejected. Thank God I had a husband who was SUPPORTIVE and ENCOURAGING. But I still said to myself, 'If the Everleighs doesn't sell, I'm finished with WRITING forever.' I was going to get an office job.

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At first BLUSH, it seems odd that loser lit books are rejected initially, then GO on to be fiercely loved by legions of READERS. This apparent CONTRADICTION might be due to the FACT that if they didn't screw up their lives, most losers would be the kind of power-elite, Type A go-getters whom readers love to hate.

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It's OKAY if you GET REJECTED 20, 30 or 200 times... You don't need EVERYONE to LIKE your story - you just need one person who really likes your story.

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