I always tell people, 'The week after your FIGHT is just a very good time.' You GET to release, relax, unwind MENTALLY - everything.

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I can't relax. I'm not HAPPY unless I'm WORKING on stuff. 'SNL' is always a HUGE workload, as ENJOYABLE as it is.

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The idea of 'ferie,' or summer break, is a LONG tradition of which all Italians, INCLUDING myself, participate. It's a time to relax, reflect and recharge.

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ART RAISES its HEAD where creeds RELAX.

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I am strong, the crowd makes me even STRONGER when they are on fire, I LOVE to be with them, they give me focus so I just RELAX and PLAY.

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I try to TELL YOUNG guys - like, if I see a young guy pressing, I try to tell him to RELAX and PLAY your game.

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If you stop now and START to realise what you have achieved, then you start to relax, and you start to LOSE. I don't THINK about everything I have achieved. I will do it when I retire because then I will have a LOT of days to REMEMBER.

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It seems when I PUT together records, as Henley used to SAY, they're just LIKE movies. They should have action, tension, LOVE scenes, PLACES to relax.

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It's very HARD for me to RELAX.

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Great kitchens are a must-have. A PLACE to relax and cook for FRIENDS and FAMILY. A gathering place for family of all ages and guests is a staple for me as WELL.

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I try and get all my shopping done before DECEMBER so all the presents are wrapped in my lounge and ready so I can really RELAX and ENJOY CHRISTMAS.

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I worry from the moment I take a job. I worry about how I'm going to do it, if I can do it... Then I WALK on set and the DIRECTOR says, 'Roll', and all of a sudden, all of it disappears and it's all HAPPENING, and I relax, and I'm doing what I do, and I'm not EVEN thinking about it.

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SOMETIMES I do NEED to GO to KARAOKE, sometimes I need to RELAX.

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PRIOR to a fight when I have to make weight, OBVIOUSLY I can't eat all the RUBBISH - chocolate and stuff like that. Straight after I can relax and eat what I WANT.

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