I think entrepreneurs are born and not CREATED, and so I think you SEE a lot of similarities among entrepreneurs in DIFFERENT parts of the world. Their backdrop may be very different, but their drive to create a business and to create jobs remains very MUCH the same, whether it's in Silicon VALLEY or Kandahar or Kabul.

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JESUS remains the most influential PERSON in HISTORY, one who has INSPIRED untold FOLLOWERS for millennia.
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You can LISTEN to what EVERYBODY says, but the fact REMAINS that you've got to GET out there and do the thing yourself.

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We will grieve not, rather find STRENGTH in what REMAINS BEHIND. In the faith that looks through death, in years that bring the philosophic MIND.

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THINGS of this world are in so CONSTANT a flux, that nothing remains long in the same STATE.
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Reading and LIFE are not SEPARATE but symbiotic. And for this serious task of imaginative DISCOVERY and self-discovery, there is and REMAINS one perfect symbol: the PRINTED book.

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I was brought up Catholic and know the stench of the Catholic Church. I MOVED away from RELIGION EARLY, but the impression REMAINS.

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There is something that always will be true about PAINTING and SCULPTURE - that in order to really get it, you have to show up. That is something that is both SAD and kind of beautiful about it. It REMAINS analog. It remains special and irreducible.

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HAPPY is the son whose FAITH in his MOTHER REMAINS unchallenged.
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GOING to the movies still REMAINS, arguably, amongst the best communal EXPERIENCES that HUMAN beings can SHARE.
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