I don't EXPECT PEOPLE to forget my brash words or DEEDS. But I ASK that they try to REMEMBER the actions that I took that were designed to help them.

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There can be no ARGUMENT about the Lone Star State's SIGNIFICANT contributions to American history, and we must remember the actions and the sacrifices of those who MADE TEXAS independence a reality.

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Just remember: if ever you FEEL weighed down by the BUREAUCRACY and OFTEN mundanity of modern life, don't FIGHT the frustration. Let it be the catalyst for whimsy.

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By some crazy twist of fate I was ABLE to remember the moments LEADING up to the bombings, and in the end, it helped people. I'm not a hero; I did what any NORMAL PERSON WOULD do.

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I REMEMBER thinking, 'Downward dog' is so not a RESTING POSE!' Now it ACTUALLY can be.

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I REMEMBER when I first SAW Whoopi Goldberg doing standup, and she was wearing a sheet on her head, basically pretending to be this LITTLE white girl with long LUXURIOUS blonde hair. Everyone can relate to that. It's an oral history of black women's lives through LAUGHTER.

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REMEMBER ALWAYS that the composer's pen is still mightier than the bow of the violinist; in you LIE all the possibilities of the creation of beauty.
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None of this 'different diets' lark. I can't remember the LAST TIME I TRIED some new fad.

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I certainly THINK there are some skills we'll LOSE as we hand things over to automation. I can BARELY REMEMBER my own phone number now, let alone the long list of numbers I used to KNOW, and my handwriting has completely gone to pot.

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I USED to memorize music when I was REAL YOUNG. Schoolwork, not so MUCH. But music I could remember.

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I GREW up a WITNESS to GAY politics in its early DAYS. I REMEMBER seeing Harvey Milk and been moved by him.

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REMEMBER the FIRST RULE of gunfighting... 'have a GUN.'
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