When you are interviewing SOMEONE, don't just WRITE down what he SAYS. Ask yourself: Does this guy remind you of someone? What does the room FEEL LIKE? Notice smells, voice inflection, neighborhoods you pass through. Be a cinematographer.

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Sometimes, you have to remind yourself that some PEOPLE are just TRYING to FIND SOMETHING to EAT.

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It definitely is very EXCITING running against professionals now. MANY of the runners in my races have AMAZING resumes and a lot of experience, so I just remind myself that every RACE is just a learning experience.

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I remind myself that I'm always more SATISFIED by HUMAN INTERACTION than by a DIGITAL connection.

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So stick up ivy and the bays, and then restore the heathen ways, GREEN will remind you of the Spring, though this GREAT DAY denies the THING, and mortifies the earth, and all, but your wild revels, and loose hall.

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All asylum SEEKERS at our border should remind us that we are a NATION of IMMIGRANTS and that we were once STRANGERS at the border.

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It's not easy. I make snap JUDGMENTS, too, and I start to write PEOPLE off. And then I start to remind myself of how I'm CONSTANTLY asking judges not to write people off. And so then I TRY to resist it.

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Restaurants remind me of bands: there's lots of CAMARADERIE, people work very closely together, very hard, and it's a BAD job to pick if you want to make lots of money. Whether MUSIC or food, the REWARD always has to be because you LOVE it.

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Remind yourself that other PEOPLE's JOBS aren't so SIMPLE.

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Whenever I go through any SORT of BAD patch, I remind myself that PART of the game of CRICKET is God TESTING you.

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I DISCOVER that my FRIENDS THINK only of my apparel, and those upon whom I have conferred acts of kindness PREFER to remind me of my errors.

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NEXT TIME I SEE you, remind me not to TALK to you.

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I WANT to remind the new GENERATION about the POWER of old SCHOOL ROMANCE.

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Not having to CONSTANTLY remind EVERYONE what's required is an IMPORTANT part of being SUCCESSFUL.

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I left acting for a couple of years to found my COMPANY, Wayfarer, and the first project I did was this documentary series I CREATED called 'My Last DAYS' to remind us that our TIME is limited and to inspire us to do more and to be the best selves that we can be.

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