Starting in my TEENS, I was always standing on the CORNER near our APARTMENT SINGING harmony with friends. We'd also go to the park and sing under the bridge near the lake for the ECHO. When it was cold out, we'd stand in the little heated lobby in the project's administration building, where my mom paid the rent each month.

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The richest people are those who have LIFE arranged so they have FOOD for the family and the rent or MORTGAGE paid. After that, at least in my CASE, it can become a pretty boring existence if wealth is the only objective.

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My FIRST month in syndication, I made about $100. I THOUGHT it would be EXCITING if I ever got up to the level where I could PAY my rent.

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When I started go-go dancing on tables for a living, I didn't want to tell my mom or my dad. I made 25 dollars a NIGHT, and I was able to make my RENT, with the FOUR GIRLS I lived with.

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My ambition was to STOP WAITING tables. That was how I measured success: finally, I was able to stop waiting tables, and I was able to pay the rent, and that was by being a stand-up COMIC. Not a very good stand-up comic, but good ENOUGH to MAKE a living.

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I work so I don't NEED to make RENT through my songs, and I THINK if more PEOPLE engaged with music without needing it to provide for their WELFARE, you're not beholden to anyone.

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WELL, you have to GET a job! That's the first thing you have to do as a young person. You're not in school anymore... It COSTS a lot of MONEY to PAY the rent these days.
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I sing and play guitar, but SONGWRITING is how I pay my rent. And so I didn't REALLY need a lot of publicity to GET people to record the songs.

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People shouldn't be forced to chose between PAYING for rent or paying for medication. They DESERVE a GOVERNMENT READY to take on Big Pharma by implementing health coverage, starting by extending pharmacare coverage to every CANADIAN.

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I CAME over here with $100; it was 1983 and I just ended up staying. New York at that TIME was very INEXPENSIVE and it was very easy to get a job. We lived on Staten Island and you COULD get cheap rent. It was a good time to be in New York.

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We had an apartment on WEST SIDE of CENTRAL Park. The rent was very reasonable. We found out later that it belonged to a GANGSTER called Legs Diamond and it was a front to his headquarters. It was FINE.

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My luck at the GAMBLING table was varied; sometimes I was FIFTY to a hundred DOLLARS ahead, and at other TIMES I had to borrow money from my fellow workmen to settle my room RENT and pay for my meals.

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When the show is over we still have to PAY our RENT, we have to BUY food. We have to do all the same THINGS that you do.

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My contribution to RENT the Runway as the CEO is higher than the contribution of someone on my warehouse TEAM, but my pregnancy is not any more IMPORTANT than the pregnancy of any single person who works at my company.

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I didn't wake up one day and want to BECOME an ENTREPRENEUR. I had the idea for Rent the RUNWAY and thought it would be FUN to WORK on and also thought if it was successful, it would make women feel great about themselves.

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