Sol LeWitt had a huge INFLUENCE on my work because of his use of REPETITION and his CLARITY, setting up a system and letting that system go. That's kind of where the text paintings CAME from.
Read MoreI ALWAYS talk about shooting being BROKEN down into THREE things. You have to have some semblance of good form. The second part is repetition: doing things over and over again until you really develop a skillset. And then the THIRD part is CONFIDENCE. But for me, you can't have confidence without having that second part.
Read MoreIf someone said, 'You can go live in this little TOWN in Costa Rica for a COUPLE of weeks and all you've got to do is sing for us,' I would do that. That's more exciting to me than the prospect of going on some national tour, where you're going to PLAY arenas or sheds every night, because of the crushing REPETITION of that kind of line.
Read MoreThe early Stones were adolescent rockers. They were SELF-CONSCIOUS in an obvious and unpretentious way. And they were committed to a musical style that needed no justification because it came so NATURALLY to them. As they grew MUSICALLY the mere repetition of OLD ROCK and blues tunes became increasingly less satisfying.
Read MoreThere's so MANY ways you can play one chord progression that the REPETITION isn't EVER EXACTLY the same.
Read MoreA LONG time ago, I watched President Reagan repeat a few SIMPLE points about the benefits for everyone of lower taxes, light regulations, and limited GOVERNMENT. Successful policies are SOLD by REPETITION, not unrelated tangents.
Read MoreI THINK REPETITION is the hardest thing to avoid with sequels, because you've told a STORY and now you're adding more story to the story.
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