TV is bigger than any STORY it REPORTS. It's the greatest teaching TOOL SINCE the printing PRESS.

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My PERSONAL INTEREST in IVF led me to author two REPORTS into the availability of TREATMENT on the NHS.

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Because standard UNEMPLOYMENT REPORTS continue to exclude prisoners, we have been TREATED to a highly misleading PICTURE of BLACK unemployment.

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We receive REPORTS now on a daily basis from our own people on the ground in Darfur on widespread atrocities and GRAVE violations of HUMAN RIGHTS against the civilian population.

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The most IMPORTANT and urgent appeal we have to MAKE is for an IMMEDIATE cease-fire. Initial reports from the cease-fire TALKS being held in N'Djamena in Chad are not very encouraging.

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The Inspector General issued SIX reviews and reports on ACTIONS taken based on provisions of the ACT. In those six reports, the IG found that not one violation of an individual's civil LIBERTIES - a total of zero - had taken PLACE since the act was instituted.

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GRADE school RUINED reading for me by DEMANDING book REPORTS for such snore-a-thons as Benjamin Franklin's biography written for children.
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When I GET my WEEKLY screen-time REPORTS from APPLE, it's DISTURBING.

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I READ a great number of press reports and FIND comfort in the fact that they are NEARLY always conflicting.

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Though we hear various REPORTS of his existence we can never find the young wizard who is able so they say to graft the soul of a GIRL to the soul of her lover so that not EVEN the sharp scissors of the Fates can EVER sever them apart.

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There were reports that my elder daughter Ashwami was in 'Dabangg 3,' but she is a chef, and NEVER wanted to be an actor.

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Presidential campaigns are exhausting. Once they're over, we all heave a SIGH of relief that we have our LIVES back, the constant emails and news reports no LONGER harangue us, and the topic even turns at times to something ELSE entirely.

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Hundreds of data-mining COMPANIES SELL landlords tenant-screening REPORTS that LIST PAST evictions and court filings.

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One of the consequences of the Iranian revolution has been an explosion of history. A country once known only from British consular REPORTS and intrepid travelogues is now awash with historical documents, LETTERS, diaries, grainy video, weblogs and secret POLICE files of questionable authenticity.

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If you can't BUILD a relationship with your customers, you're in big TROUBLE. If you can remember the numbers from the reports and spreadsheets you SPENT hours poring over in your office, but you can't PICTURE the faces of your customers - you're in big trouble.

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