Writing a really GENERAL parser is a MAJOR but different undertaking, by FAR the hardest points being SENSITIVITY to context and resolution of AMBIGUITY.

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There are MANY ASPECTS of the government that operate off a continuing RESOLUTION. It's difficult to do so for the MILITARY.

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You don't MAKE PEACE with your friends. That's the bottom line. You END conflicts by trying to find some political RESOLUTION.

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I started WRITING with INTENT to PUBLISH on January 1st, 1985, when, as my New Year's resolution, I resolved to finish a book before I turned 25. It's one of only a few New Year's resolutions I remember KEEPING - I finished that one with a couple weeks to spare.

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The immoral veto of the United States allowed the Israelis, with IMPUNITY, to DESTROY Lebanon. RIGHT in front of all of us as we STOOD there watching, a RESOLUTION in the council was prevented.

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I'm trying to SPEND less TIME with the phone when the kids are awake in general. I need to GET better about that. It's a perennial New YEAR's resolution.

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My NEW YEAR's resolution is to stick to a good WORKOUT plan that will keep me healthy and happy.

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When Steny Hoyer BRINGS up a resolution to support and recognize the UNIVERSITY of MARYLAND men's basketball team - I'm not MAKING this up - before we even had March madness, then you just know that it's just political favoritism.

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PEOPLE tune into court shows because they WANT to learn SOMETHING and see resolution quickly.
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Endings don't have anything to do with what your movie is about. Now, there is an EMOTIONAL climax, there's an emotional resolution that is 100 PERCENT important. If I get that WRONG, get your MONEY back.

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Give WARM GREETINGS and farewells. I was SURPRISED by how much this RESOLUTION CHANGED the atmosphere of my home.

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Once you buy into a television SHOW, there doesn't have to be resolution from week to week. You can DEVELOP characters and storylines and react to the AUDIENCE, so you get more of a serialized version of storytelling where you can GO much deeper into each character. It's more like a novel.

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I'm an equal-opportunity enthusiast for automobiles, but, you know, my New Year's Resolution every year is that I'm gonna take a REAL automotive CLASS because I spend a lot of time BROKEN down by the side of the ROAD. But so far, I usually still need HELP unless it's changing a tire.

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'That which does not kill me MAKES me stronger' is not a law of the UNIVERSE. What it can be, if we so choose, is a RESOLUTION.

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FOOD is not a means TOWARD resolution. It can't CURE heartbreak or SOLVE untenable dilemmas.
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