I am usually positive and optimistic. If I get STRESSED or some results are not so GOOD, I let it GO by thinking, 'Oh well, it can be better next time.' I don't worry a lot, and I'm not too SERIOUS about anything.

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I FEEL like if you're STUCK doing the same THING your whole career you've got to be doing SOMETHING wrong. Unless you're getting great RESULTS from it or you're just comfortable in that spot.

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Over the years, I really focused on doing the best JOB I could, WORKING HARD, getting GREAT results, and working with my TEAMS.

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Having a STORY is what PEOPLE connect with, but the story ALONE doesn't allow you to ACHIEVE greatness and RESULTS. It's the day-to-day consistency of providing value to your audience.

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The study and KNOWLEDGE of the universe would SOMEHOW be LAME and defective were no PRACTICAL results to follow.

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I CERTAINLY want to CONTINUE to be a role MODEL. But I don't THINK it's necessarily about being a female in our BUSINESS. I think it's about... my track record, my results.

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Violence as a way of achieving RACIAL justice is both impractical and IMMORAL. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often BRINGS about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their INDEPENDENCE in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings PERMANENT peace.

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BANKS should decide on dividend increases and share buybacks after receiving the results of stress TESTS, when they know how MUCH CAPITAL regulators WISH them to hold.
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It is very DANGEROUS to have your SELF-WORTH RIDING on your RESULTS as an ATHLETE.

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The thing I thought about doing it was it's Comic RELIEF and you've GOT to be funny. So although I did TRY to SING properly it obviously has hilarious results when you can't sing.

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In my HEART, I know that Jesus would never condone the SUFFERING that RESULTS when dogs and CATS are allowed to breed.

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The combined results of several PEOPLE working together is often much more EFFECTIVE than could be that of an individual scientist working ALONE.

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I THINK there is empirical evidence that if you LOOK at family controlled BUSINESSES, they actually outperform in terms of RESULTS and ALSO valuations, the broader market.

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My SCIENTIFIC STUDIES have afforded me GREAT gratification; and I am convinced that it will not be long before the whole world acknowledges the RESULTS of my work.

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The production of too many useful things RESULTS in too many USELESS PEOPLE.

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