I ran back punt RETURNS and kickoff returns, and I PLAYED a PRETTY good game.

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In a WORLD of commoditized knowledge, the RETURNS GO to the companies who can produce non-standard knowledge.

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One of the things that I THOUGHT really worked was that you have 'Smallville' on television and 'Superman RETURNS' come out in the theater, and it was FINE. Nobody freaked out; nobody thought they were COMPETING.

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Sufferers of depression have 'episodes' the same WAY those who SUFFER from multiple sclerosis do. It comes, wipes the FLOOR with you, and then SOMEHOW RETURNS you to the world. But it comes back.

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No MATTER where you are on the political spectrum, LIBRARIES make sense. It's such a small investment. EVERY dollar supporting a library system RETURNS five dollars to the community.

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Our children await Christmas presents LIKE politicians getting in election returns: there's the Uncle Fred precinct and the AUNT Ruth DISTRICT STILL to come in.

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The only imaginative fiction being WRITTEN TODAY is INCOME TAX returns.

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Earning high returns isn't just a matter of bragging rights - endowment income SUPPORTS the MISSIONS of nonprofit INSTITUTIONS, whether education, as with COLLEGE and universities, or broader social programs, as at many private foundations.

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We adopted a FOCUSED strategy of CORE businesses in Citicorp that play to our UNIQUE historic strengths as a global bank that will provide strong growth and attractive returns over the long-term... And we've identified non-core ASSETS we have SHED.

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You will not see, in my career, the kind of returns this INDUSTRY had in 2005 and 2006 for a very simple REASON - the banks were undercapitalized, and returns are a FUNCTION of earnings and capital.

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For me, the focus has to be on the INDIVIDUAL, the WORKER, not on profit margins, not on stock returns, but on how do we have a WONDERFUL community in the State of Vermont that has GOOD jobs that keep our kids here and keeps our communities healthy.

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There is always a period when a MAN with a BEARD shaves it off. This period does not LAST. He returns headlong to his beard.

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When it comes to portfolios, my personal advice is for anyone who can, put money into forestry or farmland. LONG term, you WOULD probably never come near their returns in the STOCK market. In the world that I see, LAND is golden.

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It is quite plausible that the PROCESS of INCREASED fragmentation of production across BORDERS is subject to 'diminishing RETURNS' and has its natural limits.

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