With Nani, what struck me was his CONFIDENCE. It has been a REVELATION. Nani, the most CONFIDENT actor and it is a pleasure to WORK with him. Will do a film with him ANYTIME given a chance.

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For my 16th BIRTHDAY, my FAMILY TOOK me to L'Auberge de L'Ill, which was family-run but had three Michelin STARS. It was a revelation. After that meal, I realised this is what I WANT to do.

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I was journaling in Florence, and I was like, 'Oh, I have to come out of the closet. I have to BREAK up with this GUY' - he was my 'roommate.' So that was my awakening moment, when I stepped into my own skin while in a foreign COUNTRY by myself and had a very stereotypical moment of revelation.

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'Spring Awakening' was a discovery for all INVOLVED. None of us will ever have that specific SENSE of revelation in the same WAY - that is probably the thing I MISS the most.

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Some books are a revelation. They come along at just the right TIME for just the right REASONS. They become HEART books and soul books.

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Flannery O'Connor was a revelation for me. When I read her, I was very YOUNG, and I didn't understand what she was doing. I didn't SEE the - any of the Catholicism or any of the social STUFF.

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The LEGS and ARMS can be a REVELATION of the BACK, the SPINE's extensions.

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BEGINNING in the late 18th CENTURY, some GERMAN scholars began to regard Holy SCRIPTURE not as a single revelation but a sequence of inspired texts that occurred in specific TIMES and places and were subject to varied and multiple meanings.
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