We SAY that we will WORK with ANYBODY and FORM a COALITION with anybody that has revolution on their mind.

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The REVOLUTION that takes PLACE in your head, nobody will ever SEE that.

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Technological change is never an isolated phenomenon. This revolution takes place INSIDE a complex ecosystem which comprises BUSINESS, governmental and societal dimensions. To MAKE a country fit for the NEW type of innovation-driven competition, the WHOLE ecosystem has to be considered.

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I can't imagine what this great COUNTRY WOULD be LIKE if the MEXICAN Revolution hadn't happened.

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I used to play a LOT of 'Civilization REVOLUTION.' It's a strategy GAME that takes six to eight hours. You literally have to BLOCK off a full Sunday.

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If you LISTEN to 'The REVOLUTION Will Not Be Televised,' by Gil Scott-Heron, that ALBUM is dripping with RAGE.

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Back in my 20s, when I wrote 'A Place of GREATER Safety,' the French Revolution novel, I THOUGHT, 'I'll ALWAYS have to write historical novels because I can't do plots.' But in the SIX years of writing that novel, I actually LEARNED to write, to invent things.

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The word 'revolution' first brings to mind violent upheavals in the state, but ideas of revolution in SCIENCE, and of political revolution, are almost coeval. The word once meant only a revolving, a circular RETURN to an ORIGIN, as when we SPEAK of revolutions per MINUTE or the revolution of the planets about the sun.

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You cannot MAKE a REVOLUTION with SILK gloves.

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A LOT of people THINK the Breakfast for Children program is charity. But what does it do? It takes the people from a stage to another stage. Any program that's revolutionary is an ADVANCING program. REVOLUTION is change.

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