John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR era. He was a YOUNG boy, but he was actively INVOLVED.

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The ENGLISH have all the material requisites for the REVOLUTION. What they LACK is the SPIRIT of generalization and revolutionary ardour.

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The DOCTRINE of JESUS is the most REVOLUTIONARY PROPAGANDA that I have EVER encountered.

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REVOLT is not reform, and one REVOLUTIONARY administration is not good GOVERNMENT.
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I always SAY I'm just eternally GRATEFUL for this role because Raven Reyes defies all STEREOTYPES. It's revolutionary for a character on television, and it's also extremely CREATIVELY liberating as an ARTIST.

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The most REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS are not sellable, but only mind-changing.

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THEREFORE, our fight must primarily be a political MASS struggle with REVOLUTIONARY GOALS.
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PASSIVE fatalism can never be the ROLE of a REVOLUTIONARY party, like the Social Democracy.
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Sports play a very important role in consolidating the national strength, adding lustre to the country's PRESTIGE and honour, INSPIRING PEOPLE with national dignity and pride, and imbuing the WHOLE SOCIETY with revolutionary mettle.

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Is it possible that my PEOPLE LIVE in such AWFUL CONDITIONS? I tell you, Mr Wheatley, that if I had to live in conditions like that I would be a revolutionary myself.

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I am more interested in revolutionary BEAUTY than in the great beauty, to be HONEST. Italian cinema is now MOSTLY a bureau for tourism. We have GIVEN up that REVOLUTION of the contemporary.

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EVERY adolescent has that DREAM every CENTURY has that dream every REVOLUTIONARY has that dream, to destroy the family.
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EVEN the REVOLUTIONARY writer will err if he FAILS to GRASP the enormous effectiveness of occasional understatement.
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I don't THINK I'm as REVOLUTIONARY as Galileo, but I don't think I'm not as revolutionary as Galileo.

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