Her HAT is a creation that will NEVER GO out of style; it will just LOOK ridiculous year after year.

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I'm not a very gregarious PERSON. I can't bear ATTENTION being called to me in a public PLACE, which is RIDICULOUS in a BUSINESS that pays you to be noticed.

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The OCCULT - what do you MEAN, JESUS? That's occult to me. It's so far-fetched, it's RIDICULOUS.

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I just always believed we would SUCCEED. EVEN when everyone else said my ideas were ridiculous. Even when we were almost out of money. Even when the metrics were all upside down. I always have confidence that I'll FIGURE something out. I just have that confidence that things are GOING to WORK out fine.

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Marriage equality is a TERM so RIDICULOUS on its face that when you hear it MENTIONED, you would THINK you were in Riyadh. Years from now, perhaps we can LOSE the equality part, the same-sex part and call it what it is - marriage.

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I grew up in the 90s in the time of grunge when if you didn't go on STAGE in JEANS and a T SHIRT you weren't 'real.' That seemed ridiculous to me.

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The sentimental VIEW of anything is apt to be ridiculous, but I FEEL that I have been unusually sensitive to the ISSUE of place since I was a LITTLE boy.

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Chelsea Handler is a GOOD friend of mine, and I always was inspired by the fact that she was TAKING her LIFE and turning it into these RIDICULOUS, raunchy memoirs. She really has a talent, and she's a great WRITER. I was inspired by her trajectory.

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When I jumped off a roof in Cannes in a BEE COSTUME, I looked RIDICULOUS. But this is my BUSINESS; I have to humiliate myself.

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It's ridiculous that Claire Foy GOT paid LESS than Matt Smith on 'The CROWN.' That MAKES absolutely no sense WHATSOEVER.

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That openness to experimentation in Seattle is how I LEARNED a drag queen doesn't have to just be in her pageant GEAR and LIP syncing to top 40. Drag can be off-the-wall, RIDICULOUS, profound.

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REALITY REALLY is theater. There's no other way to DESCRIBE it. It's all so nonsensical, RIDICULOUS and chaotic.
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I have seen Tommy Emanuel play; my wife and I went to SEE him and he just melted my FACE off. How do you play GUITAR like that? There are so many people that play at a ridiculous level and I sit there WATCHING them and I'm like, 'Wow, wish I could do that.'

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I started Pilates. I'm the only guy in there. They PLOT before I GET there: 'How can we make JOHN look ridiculous?' Because every EXERCISE involved my legs up, like I'm in the stirrups or something.

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I MEAN, I hate when actors talk about how hard their JOB is. It's RIDICULOUS, because we have the best job in the world.

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