MARTIN O'Neill let me go and he OBVIOUSLY felt that was the right THING at the TIME. But you go on and want to prove people wrong.
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The instrument that I never LEARNED how to play was my fans. You KNOW, they are the part of the story that NOBODY teaches you. I just want to do the right thing; I want to be a voice with them, AMONG them.

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As I got older and more educated about THINGS like chemicals in FOOD and how BEEF is processed, I simply STOPPED eating certain things because it FELT like the right thing to do.

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ALTERNATIVE medicine plays into this exaggerated notion that you can PREVENT DISEASE simply by doing the right THING.
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Be able to KEEP a SECRET or promise when you KNOW in your heart that it is the right THING to do.

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Do the RIGHT THING. It will GRATIFY some PEOPLE and astonish the REST.

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WELL, I'm STILL looking for Maurice Ashley. My essential qualities. I think that more than anything, I try to do the RIGHT thing, I think about doing the right thing.
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I have a really beautiful life RIGHT now, so there is no reason to be hostile. I'm a husband, a FATHER and a MAN who TRIES to do the right thing in life and in my work.

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That's what I want to do with my life. Be a good PERSON when all the lights are off. When everybody doesn't NEED to see you, shine and know that you know you did the RIGHT THING at the END of the day.

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HISTORY SHOWS that Americans BELIEVE in doing the RIGHT THING.
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I think we OUGHT to provide much more dignity and respect to INDIVIDUALS who need some care and assistance, WHETHER they are chronically ill or disabled or seniors, it's the right THING for this COUNTRY to do.

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Politicians are CONSTANTLY stuck between what is politically expedient and politically BENEFICIAL and what is the responsible or RIGHT thing to do. It's a TENSION we all go through.

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To me, if you LOVE it ENOUGH to devote your LIFE to it, then you're doing the RIGHT THING.

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I do the RIGHT THING on PURPOSE. I don't do it by ACCIDENT.

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Syria is a signature to the Geneva Protocol of 1925, which bans the use of chemical WARFARE. Syria has violated that international NORM. For the United States to act in RESPONSE is the RIGHT thing to do, is a legitimate thing to do, and is necessary in order to uphold this very IMPORTANT international standard.

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