One of the FIRST shows I ever did was 'Laverne & Shirley.' I played this sleazy guy that came into town with a friend and was going to date Laverne and Shirley, but we REALLY wanted to get into the bowling ALLEY because it was next to the BANK we wanted to rob.

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The two centre-backs, ROB Huth and Wes Morgan, are in many WAYS journeyman pros, but they have that wonderful ATTITUDE and never-say-die spirit that has culminated in them being TOP of the league.

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I didn't REALLY FIGHT with any of my older brothers. MOSTLY just Rob. Basically, all the memories I have are getting BEATEN up by him.

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Rob Lowe said something NEGATIVE about me. I'm LIKE, 'What? Thank you! I didn't even KNOW that you knew who I was; now you do.' I APPRECIATE it. You're still HOT, so what do I care?

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ROB Halford is the PERSON that I called a LOT of the TIME when I was in RECOVERY.
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After PLAYING with Rob ZOMBIE, I was ready to GO, 'OK, this is as far as I'm TAKING this bass-playing thing. This is the end of the road.' I was ready to KIND of hang it up.

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I have 100% CONFIDENCE in Rob Pelinka running our basketball operations. I've always had confidence in Rob. Whatever the SPECULATION is out there, we don't NEED the outside media to validate what we do.

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It's wrong to rob banks, YEAH, but is it RIGHT for banks to loan people money, knowing full well they can't PAY it BACK?

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My friends and I make short films. We pretended to ROB the Dairy QUEEN where our FRIEND worked, but SOMEONE THOUGHT we were real thieves and called the cops! Soon, the cops burst in with guns drawn!

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I ACTUALLY GREW up in the 'burbs - New Rochelle, specifically, most famously home to ROB and Laura Petrie of 'The Dick VAN Dyke SHOW.'

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I LOVE ROB ZOMBIE - I'd love to WORK with Rob Zombie or JOHN Cameron Mitchell.

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We rob ourselves of so MUCH by focusing on the wrong stuff. And the ABILITY to GET into the MOMENT and deal with what is, that's the REAL opportunity.

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It's actually a smarter CRIME because imagine if you rob a BANK, or you're dealing drugs. If you get caught you're GOING to spend a LOT of time in custody. But with hacking, it's much easier to commit the crime and the risk of PUNISHMENT is slim to none.

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I consider myself incredibly lucky to live and work in places like Canada and the U.S. where POLIO no LONGER threatens to rob the livelihoods of innocent children. As a YOUNG woman, I STAND behind the women around the GLOBE who are leading the charge against polio and working relentlessly to achieve a polio-free world.

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A guy tried to ROB me but decided not to because of WHATEVER I do in the COMMUNITY. He's a Lou WILLIAMS fan, so he didn't rob me.

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