One of the great things about cricket, and certainly something that I found helpful, was that as soon as you STEP over the boundary ROPE you can switch off everything that is HAPPENING off the field and focus solely on what is happening out on the pitch.

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We USED to tie a skipping rope to a pitchfork and TRY to spear big carp. We NEVER GOT one. My kids love that story, very 'Lord of the Flies.'

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My Latin education teaches me that RELIGION comes from religio, which means, 'to bind.' To bind with rope. And that's all it means. So whenever I HEAR somebody go, 'I FEEL so religious RIGHT now!' I'm like, 'Well, you're tying yourself up in KNOTS, are you?'

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You can't tie a rope AROUND the ICE sheet. You can't build a WALL around the ice SHEETS.

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I LIKE to GIVE my DAUGHTER some rope and let her make her own DECISIONS.

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I have got pictures all AROUND the rooms I SIT in. I have got a very mad picture of a dog standing on a BLACK thing on a piece of rope. It was DRAWN and painted by a Romanian poet who was under house arrest, and it is TERRIFIC.

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My brother and I like to swim. We've been doing that our WHOLE lives. Swimming and jump ROPE are two of the MAIN things we do.

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People can CONNECT in DIFFERENT ways. If you do a rope COURSE with someone you otherwise wouldn't meet and you share this incredible challenge, then you have perhaps FORMED a bond that could last FOREVER.

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I don't think we are TRYING too hard. WE is INCLUSIVE from the beginning. That's the whole point. We've always been, 'everyone is welcome.' There is no velvet ROPE, no BARRIER to entry.

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I think the first time I REALLY heard poetry was in the schoolyard. Just the little limericks that kids say when they're jumping ROPE and PLAYING games. I think that's the first time I heard RHYMING words - I don't KNOW if I'd call that the definitive poetry, but that's when I heard rhyming words said and not necessarily sung.

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My AGENT knows what I'm LOOKING for. And I'm also looking for a new agent, too, so I'm putting it out there. Again, I'm not GOING to turn down every role, because there is no bad role, really. It's all what you bring to the role, but that traditional, 'Stand here and open a ROPE,' I'm not doing it.

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TOM FORD gave me HIGH heels for the BABY. They're a little kitten heel with a velvet rope that you tie. It's like a collection piece. I have to PUT it on the bookshelf, framed.

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If I have a JUMP rope and a resistance BAND, I can work out anywhere. Even WITHOUT a jump rope. If you do 200 jumping jacks, then drop and do some crunches, and then do some squats, you're GOOD.

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I was a troubled TEEN and I was constantly looking for SOMEONE to throw me a ROPE. Those ropes are connections. They allow us to see that LIFE exists beyond the LITTLE worlds we are currently a part of.

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'The Fugitive KIND,' 'Rope,' 'Who's AFRAID of Virginia Woolf?' - I WATCHED all these as a WAY of reminding myself that you can do a movie based on a play. You can do a movie that stays in one place for a LONG stretch.

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