I love my bandmates, and they're my friends, and even though we had fun and got to tour and I got to play the DRUMS a lot, which I'll ALWAYS appreciate, we had a REALLY ROUGH time. We toured and tried to get people to come to our shows and PUT out records, and we really struggled.

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People are always surprised when they MEET me. I was in NIGERIA and I went to one of the radio stations and they were LIKE, 'Aww you look CUTE!' They were expecting me to look more rough, and I was like: 'Yeah, I'm POLITE!'

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I'm not actually POSH; I'm REALLY rough and from the wrong SIDE of the TRACKS. I GREW up in Putney, which is pretty rough.

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I don't LIKE to PLAY ROUGH, but I will if I have to.

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I THINK probably my MAIN advice to new ARTISTS is if you want to be in the music business, you NEED to be dang serious about it because it's a rough business.

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Politics isn't a reality show or a gong show. It's not show BUSINESS for ugly people. It's the arena where we define our COMMON LIFE in a rough and READY contest that has winners and LOSERS.

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TRUTH has ROUGH flavours if we BITE it through.
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The WAY of the pioneer is ALWAYS ROUGH.

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