I always LOVED the Yorkshire members and was PASSIONATE about playing for the county, but the PEOPLE who were running the CLUB made it at times unbearable for me. The rulers had a HISTORY of doing what they wanted and sacking players seemingly on a whim.

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It has too OFTEN been too EASY for RULERS and GOVERNMENTS to incite MAN to war.

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In the past, RULERS led their TROOPS into battle and, even in peacetime, called themselves fathers of their people. And modern politics retains abundant masculine RITUALS. PRIME minister's QUESTION time in Britain, for instance, is a stylised duel and tournament redolent of testosterone.

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Instead of exporting what they perceived to be rational, modern, humane government to their colonies, the BRITISH often FOUND themselves propping up deeply UNATTRACTIVE and corrupt princelings and CLIENT rulers because this was the cheapest WAY of maintaining control.

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