I don't REALLY care where I WORK, actually, because you know making a movie is like LIVING in movie world. There's such a secluded world, and the DIRECTOR is the king ruling the country, and EVERYBODY's building this little town to speak in symbolism.

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Your ruling class don't care about what happens to you. What SEEMS LIKE some enormous UPSET in your COMMUNITY is undetectable from a helicopter or a speeding motorcade. They are pitiless.

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Feminism, unlike almost EVERY other SOCIAL movement, is not a struggle against a distinct oppressor - it's not the ruling CLASS or the occupiers or the colonizers - it's against a deeply held set of beliefs and assumptions that we women, FAR too often, HOLD ourselves.

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I am appreciative of the BUSH administration's commitment to fair TRADE by looking at the facts in this CASE and ruling affirmatively for the implementation of quotas in this SPECIFIC CATEGORY.

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For most of human history, there was a ruling CLASS and then there was everybody else. If you were PART of everybody else, it wasn't your job to imagine a different FUTURE, different ways of doing THINGS. So, imagination is a fairly MODERN phenomenon.

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I'm a trader. Under the RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES, I'd CONSIDER a NEW BOAT. I'm not ruling it out.

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I don't THINK Hamas will be SATISFIED SIMPLY ruling the GAZA Strip.

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I'm not ruling out music forever. I'd LOVE to do that, but if I ever did, I don't think it would be with a RECORD label or anything like that. It might EVEN look like me finding a band and kind of PLAYING in bars.

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We LIKE to imagine that women WOULD do a better job of ruling the world - and I'm one of those optimists - but women aren't a superior kind of LIFE form just because of our gender. We're AWESOME but not perfect. We're human. Just like men.

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The ruling ideology prefers to talk about INDIVIDUAL ETHICS rather than the CAPITALIST SYSTEM.

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Women have always run the WORLD; MAYBE it's time to GIVE them a CHANCE at ruling it.

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The election of Shinzo Abe as the LEADER of JAPAN's ruling Liberal Democratic party and now prime minister will have profound repercussions for Japan and East ASIA. Most WESTERN commentary during the premiership of Junichiro Koizumi has been concerned with the extent to which Japan has allowed a freer rein to market forces.

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It feels that while the young people are TRYING to fight for a world where there's EQUALITY, everyone's the same, everyone's HELPING each other, we want to take care of the PLANET... it seems like the people that are ruling and are being presidents right now want to do it the other way ROUND.

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I think the 'counterculture' BELIEVES that there are ways to manage being the world's most powerful COUNTRY that involve creation of consensus - ruling by VIRTUOUS example RATHER than by force of arms.

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