There are THINGS you can do to negate a STRONG PASS RUSH. No MATTER how strong the rush.

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If they TRY to rush me, I ALWAYS say, I've only GOT one other SPEED and it's slower.

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He could rush the passer, he could bull you, he could beat you speed inside and quickness. Those are long DAYS when you had MICHAEL Strahan lining up right over your head for 60 MINUTES, because most DEFENSIVE ends are good at one or the other. Michael was REALLY good at both.

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My father-in-law GETS up at 5 o'clock in the MORNING and WATCHES the DISCOVERY Channel. I don't know why there's this BIG rush to do this.

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When the FISH relaxes, that's when I BRING the rod down and reel in. But you don't RUSH it. If it runs, you let it RUN.

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I've got to admit when I did my FIRST ever Match Of The Day, I didn't realise how nervous I'd be. There's a real ADRENALINE rush as you know you're being watched by AROUND eight MILLION PEOPLE who'll take the mick out of any mistake you make.

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I'm in no RUSH to be the one of the GREATS. I am one of the greats. I CONSIDER myself to be one of the greats of my DIVISION.

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WRITERS RUSH in where PUBLISHERS FEAR to TREAD and where translators fear to tread.
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Swansea is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. The PEOPLE here are so FRIENDLY, different to LONDON where everyone is in a rush.

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I don't WANT PEOPLE to look back at my MATCHES and say, 'When you did that move, it was GOOD, and I liked it because it was cool.' I want people to SORT of remember a rush of images and the emotion that they felt when they saw it. That's when I think you have a real masterpiece in your hands.

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It USED to be crazy as I WOULD SHOOT TILL 5 A. M. for Kapil's show and then RUSH to the sets of 'Akbar Birbal' and then finish my dance practice.

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EVERYONE is in a RUSH in New York, even in restaurants and in cafes. You dont have the SERENITY. That, I think, is very important in order to READ.
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TOM Rowlands does not RUSH a RECORD.
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I'm not READY to RUSH into MARRIAGE.

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