We really only have TWO choices. Play it safe, or take a CHANCE. For me, pulling back because of fear has ALWAYS made me feel worse.

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I love GOING to cities around the WORLD and seeing the rainbow flag, knowing that it's a SAFE place where I can be myself.

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We cannot AFFORD all this ILLEGAL immigration and everything that comes with it, everything from the crime and to the drugs and the kidnappings and the extortion and the beheadings and the FACT that people can't feel SAFE in their COMMUNITY. It's wrong! It's wrong!

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The COWARD only threatens when he is SAFE.

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Of course, every TIME SOMEONE does a story on plastic surgery, my NAME will be dragged up. I've made it safe for other PEOPLE to have plastic surgery. It's no longer a bad WORD.

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The M.F.A. is a degree in servitude. It is a WAY to KEEP WRITING SAFE - to keep reading safe from writing.

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When I was at home, I felt LOVED and SAFE. My sisters were ALWAYS a safe haven for me. I KNEW they would always play with me and make me feel like I was one of them.

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In college, I faced an interesting problem. I wanted to PLAY music all the time and yet I wasn't ready for anyone to hear it. To REMEDY this, I took to retreating to stairwells as a SAFE PLACE to sing and write music. It was there that I wrote most of my songs in college and really GREW into an artist.

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I am SURE that, had I grown up with both parents, had I grown up in a safe environment, had I grown up with a feeling of SAFETY rather than danger, I would not be the way I am.

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Being SCARED by a MOVIE offers a safe catharsis, because the TERROR is confined to the screen. It's an adrenalin spike, and when I come back down, I feel a BIT more leveled.

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Before any FAMILY is PLACED in any TYPE of shelter, there MUST be a thorough, top-to-bottom, building-wide inspection. These inspections must be ongoing and publicly ACCESSIBLE. There is no excuse for any person to be blindly put into an apartment without a guarantee that the space is safe.

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I don't THINK anybody feels safe in Chicago. Bullets ain't GOT no NAME on them.

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POLICE can't be SUCCESSFUL if they're not viewed as legitimate by the community, and a community will not be safe if the police are not engaged in a respectful, CONSTITUTIONAL PARTNERSHIP with the community.
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What's IMPORTANT to have is a PRESIDENT that's focused on JOBS, the economy, giving our CHILDREN a better future and keeping our nation strong and safe.

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The fact is safe co-sleeping is not difficult. The NOTION of BABIES being smothered is simply not true. And the BENEFITS of sleeping together are PROFOUND.

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