I was GOING to LIVE on my SALARY or GO down swinging.

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I'd PLAY for HALF my salary if I could HIT in this dump all the time.

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Even if I were offered twice my SALARY elsewhere, I would stay at Juve. Doing so would make me PROUD, as it is a worthy THING to do.

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Once we were a part of Equity, we were able to get a salary, and then because we were employing ourselves, we just made sure we were always working. We put in hours to get subscribers. We USED to do LITTLE shows at rich PEOPLES' HOUSES to get them to give us money.

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My craziest AMBITION is to TAKE JOHN Madden's JOB and SALARY.

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It was definitely not the salary that MADE me join Manchester UNITED; I went for football reasons - for the history of the club, the LEAGUE, the fans, and the coach because he is one of the BEST in the world.

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SINCE PRESIDENT Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, the gap between MEN and women's earnings has narrowed by less than a half-cent per YEAR. At this rate, American women will have to wait until 2062 to bring home the same salary as their male counterparts.
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I'm famous for being nicer to my FANS than anyone on the face of the EARTH because I figure a) They pay my salary, and b) It's probably like a big MOMENT in your life to meet somebody so I WOULD say, just come on up.

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Now I GET a very nice SALARY as a member of CONGRESS, but when I'm in WASHINGTON, I sleep in my office.

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What I PROMISE to my actors, and to my director, is to GIVE them the SALARY and EVERYTHING they need.

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I became a HERO after V Shantaram cast me in 'Geet Gaya Pattharon Ne.' He paid me a monthly SALARY of 100 rupees!

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In some cases, managers and employees have secured pensions BEYOND their original BASE salary. It is WRONG, the people doing it KNOW it's wrong, and we have to PUT an end to it.

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If you work for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, the average SALARY is $7,000 higher than the private sector. SOMETHING's wrong with that, when you're making more money working for the government than you can working in the private sector.

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