First and foremost, Howard Cosell is sports. There are all these people, these FANS, who CLAIM that when Cosell does a game on television, they TURN off the SOUND on the TV and listen to the radio BROADCAST. Oh, sure. You probably know critics in your neighborhood who vow the same thing. Well, too bad for them.

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I was impersonating people way, way, way early, as far back as I can remember. And I WOULD do people on my street for my PARENTS, I remember. And in SCHOOL, I did the same thing with all the TEACHERS. It was just like, I mean, it was something I loved to do. I don't think there was a time when I wasn't doing it. I was ALWAYS doing it.

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There have been STRUGGLES and challenges that I have faced that few know about but I HOPE will HELP others going through the same THING.

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There are certain ways of being that PEOPLE don't find ACCEPTABLE or very PLEASANT in regular LIFE, but you go out on STAGE and do pretty much the same thing and they find it spellbinding.

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SOMETIMES when you're PRAISED about SOMETHING, sometimes it's deserved, and sometimes it's not deserved. Same THING with CRITICISM. Sometimes the criticism is deserved, and sometimes it's not deserved.
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To do the same THING over and over again is not only BOREDOM: it is to be CONTROLLED by RATHER than to CONTROL what you do.

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What makes US different? Well, besides our skin color and our nationality and MAYBE our religion, NOTHING. We all want the same THING, we all want to have success in AMERICA.

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Fundamentally, we all WANT the same THING. We want to LOVE. We want to be LOVED, and we want to MATTER.

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Every TIME I criticize the anti-Zionists, they say, 'You are TRYING to silence US.' I don't deny there are some people who are critical of Israel who are not anti-Semitic. But to criticize Israel, and then criticize Zionism, is not QUITE the same thing.

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If you wait until the right time to have a CHILD you'll die childless, and I THINK film making is very MUCH the same thing. You just have to TAKE the plunge and just start shooting something even if it's bad.

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I always want to do THINGS that are different. I don't want to be doing the same thing, the same performance constantly, and it feels LIKE most PEOPLE TELL you that they are the same. However different you feel might APPROACH them.

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Doing the same thing day in, day out. It's just so BORING. I like to JUMP from DIFFERENT things.

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LOVE and WAR are the same THING, and stratagems and POLICY are as allowable in the one as in the other.
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What I love about photography, and it's the same THING I love about acting, really, is that it forces you, LIKE, RIGHT into the moment, where you can't be distracted, where you can't be, like, thinking about other things or ahead of yourself or BEHIND yourself.

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If the Marines today are doing EXACTLY the same thing their dads did in VIETNAM and their granddads did in Korea and World WAR II, then how in the hell can we SAY that they're not as good?

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