But LIVING in uncertain TIMES does not MEAN San Franciscans must live in FEAR.

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So, we just kind of created our own thing and that's PART of the BEAUTY of ATHENS: is that it's so off the map and there's no WAY you could ever be the East Village or an L.A. scene or a San Francisco scene, that it just became its own thing.

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My uncle Les Dolliver was a partner with the Nasser brothers, who owned a string of theaters in SAN Francisco, and ALSO supplied motion PICTURE projectors and seats for theaters. So I was always AROUND theater people.

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SAN Francisco's my HOME TOWN, you KNOW.
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When I was a kid I had a BALL in SAN Francisco because my Uncle Lou was a gripman on the CALIFORNIA CABLE car line.

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There are so MANY Clippers FANS in SAN DIEGO.

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When I GREW up it was MICHAEL Jordan and CHICAGO Bulls, the Lakers, the BOSTON Celtics, those were the teams you loved or HATED and me being from San Diego, you loved the Lakers.

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I am from San DIEGO, and I went to college in Boston, so I have SEEN the OPPOSITE coasts.

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NEW YORK and San Francisco are distinctly different. San Francisco is driving the American media, not New York. You have YOUNG, microwaved millionaires and billionaires reshaping the American media in a way that reflects San Francisco VALUES.
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To GO to Milan and PLAY against the European champions at the SAN Siro is PHENOMENAL.

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I'm a BIG diver. I like to dive when I TRAVEL, and my LAST dive was in the Galapagos. I used to live in SAN Francisco and I WOULD dive all the time in Monterey.

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When I LOOK at the PICTURES on my wall of San Diego or pop in highlight tapes of the SUPER BOWL, I'm reminded of where I want to be.

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We don't suggest that because SAN Francisco lies on TOP of an earthquake FAULT that it should be MOVED.

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My family moved a LOT as a kid. We started in Colorado, where I lived for five years. We moved to Chicago for two years, to San Francisco for one year, Connecticut for seven, Oregon for a couple years, and then I went to SCHOOL. So I was always moving, I'm STILL always moving.

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I GREW up in the Mission District in SAN Francisco, which was largely HISPANIC at the time. I was raised in a household that was really welcoming to diversity and ENCOURAGING about different people's viewpoints and IDEAS and backgrounds.

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