The SAND STONES had fragments of charcoal on some surfaces but FOUND no RECOGNISABLE fossils.

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I wrote in my first book that I was broken, and now it just makes me MAD EVERY TIME. This is why writing words in BOOKS is so precarious. This is why Jesus only wrote in the SAND, right? I just - I hate that I wrote that.

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I think glass has so MANY different forms. Sometimes it comes off as something so breakable and fragile, but it's amazingly STRONG. It STARTS as sand, and it takes on different LIVES, but it is breakable.

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'Tusk' was CLEARLY a LINE in the SAND that I drew.

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I always SAY, if you KEEP your HEAD in the sand, you don't KNOW where the KICK's coming from.

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My father had owned a RANCH when he was younger, in Montana, and he remembered RIDING his HORSE across the prairie and seeing some large bones sticking out of the ground. He was enough of a GEOLOGIST, being a sand and gravel man, to have a pretty GOOD notion that they were dinosaur bones.

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I love being in MALIBU. It's so cool there, and the water is just, it's nice and, and I love the beach. And I FOUND a SAND DOLLAR there.

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What's SPECIAL about MIAMI is the collision of CULTURES. And the WHITE sand beaches and fantastic restaurants.

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Sand is one of the best exfoliates out there! TAKE a handful of sand and rub it on your skin in small CIRCLES. When you're DONE, wash it off and presto... you get spa like skin, WITHOUT the price TAG.

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I loved every minute of my CHILDHOOD - sunbathing on the fire ESCAPE, digging for buried treasure in the back yard, pulling alewives out of the sand... Then it was all TAKEN away from me. I CAME back every summer to visit my father until I was 18, but I was ALWAYS the outsider.

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I like a REAL beach. A crowded one, you know? PEOPLE, towels, umbrellas. I hate those little private strips of sand you SEE up in Malibu.

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There are some lines in the SAND you just do not cross. Undermining basic civil liberties by locking people up for LONG periods WITHOUT charge is one of them.

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I'm a CULTURE person when I'm WORKING, so my downtime is beach TIME: sand, surf and a BARBECUE.

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I'm still a Chicagoan in the fact that I can't do CHRISTMAS with sand and palm trees. It just doesn't compute - it's not Christmas UNLESS your FACE hurts when you STEP outside.

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I am not a GREAT French WOMAN. GEORGE SAND, Marguerite Duras and Simone DE Beauvoir are great French women.

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