What I FEEL is there are CERTAIN DEMANDS that you have to satisfy in any piece of WRITING. When it's just for me, it's just for me, but if it's a piece for a particular publication, I know what they're going to ask for.

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I do love doing action, but if I can balance the scale by doing other KINDS of films that satisfy my creative ambitions, that FEELS REALLY IMPORTANT.

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I came to the realization that I can ALSO satisfy my creative side by giving somebody else a CHANCE. I don't have to be in front of the camera for EVERY PROJECT.

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It does not, surely, require such torrents of blood to satisfy any reasonable MAN that nothing can be a more impious presumption than for either SIDE to THINK themselves ENTITLED to count the Almighty as an ally in such a pitiful DISPLAY of human passion.

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Endings are really HARD to do, and it's hard to do an ENDING where it's SORT of collaborative with thousands and thousands of people, and to satisfy all those people is impossible.

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I'm a perfectionist, and I very RARELY satisfy myself when I come in and WATCH the film the next DAY.

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In FINANCIAL affairs and dealings with the STATE, those in the precariat are disadvantaged since they are usually less well-informed and have to do much more to satisfy demands MADE on them if they WANT to gain meagre state BENEFITS.

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Romance novels satisfy a very SPECIFIC FANTASY of romantic love that SEEMS to be a POWERFUL part of the female psyche.

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I've always looked upon research as an opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. But the other SIDE of the COIN is one must not be so CAUGHT up in it that one never gets the book WRITTEN.

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I have to satisfy my AUDIENCE.

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I BELIEVE it could very well be unconstitutional to ban people. We are a country of IMMIGRANTS, but we have to know who's COMING in. They need to come in legally. And we need to be sure that we have been ABLE to have them satisfy the criteria that we set for them to come into our country.

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