I'm eternally GRATEFUL to the penal SYSTEM in CALIFORNIA for SAVING my LIFE.

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Perhaps we've got so INVOLVED in the false selves we project on SOCIAL media that we've forgotten that our real selves, our PRIVATE selves, are DIFFERENT, are worth SAVING.

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For the saddest EPITAPH which can be carved in MEMORY of a vanished freedom is that it was LOST because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving HAND while there was still TIME.

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We represent the only EFFICIENT moral, INTELLECTUAL and political force CAPABLE of saving human CIVILIZATION.

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GOVERNMENT FUNDING that's COMING from the United States is making a huge difference on the ground in the developing world. It's really palpable - it's making a huge difference saving LIVES.

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'Lord of the Rings' was about SAVING the WORLD, BIG time, big DUTIES.

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I'm a wealth creator. I'm not interested in saving in the least. While I do spend a lot, I don't spend money like other billionaires. I'm probably quite unusual, albeit I do have some of the significant trappings. But I ALWAYS TRY to MAKE my ASSETS WORK for a living.

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If you want to RETIRE as a multimillionaire, then you need to START saving as early as you can.

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I THINK we can all AGREE that women deserve ACCESS to LIFE saving, EARLY detection procedures.

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My FAMILY taught me about saving and how to STRETCH to make ENDS meet.

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We've HEARD that the hookup CULTURE is destroying us. We've heard that it's saving us. We've heard that it's racist. We've agonized over which one of these is TRUE.

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I GUESS that's one ACHIEVEMENT I'm really PROUD of. Saving Chrysler was more than jobs, more than shareholder VALUE. Saving Chrysler was a GOOD idea for the whole country.

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Saving Milly was a BREAK from this effort because I felt that it was time to be part of something that could shed light on a disease EVERYONE FEELS they know, when most know so LITTLE.

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During the holiday season, try substituting a cranberry and CLUB soda spritzer, or water with lemon or lime instead of an alcoholic beverage. You'll be SAVING calories, and reducing your CANCER RISK.

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Instead of saving for someone ELSE's college education, I'm currently saving for a luxury RETIREMENT community replete with GOLF carts and handsome young male nurses who LOVE butterscotch.

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