I am no longer a scientist as I stopped in 2000. Science was quite a testing place to be as a WORKING-CLASS WOMAN.

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I was in India as scientist doing post-doctoral RESEARCH for about FOUR months. I FELL in love with India.

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A scientist is in a SENSE a learned SMALL boy. There is something of the scientist in EVERY small boy. Others must outgrow it. Scientists can stay that way all their lives.

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Having a Nobel PRIZE or being a famous scientist will get you a WEEK to a week and a HALF, metaphorically speaking, of a HEARING for your new IDEA, but after that, it's going to tank if you don't have the evidence and support for it.

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The scientist's inquiry into the CAUSES of THINGS is providing an ever more extensive understanding of NATURE.

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I joined bit.ly as chief scientist in October of 2009. The company is a URL-shortener and content-sharing PLATFORM; we PROVIDE tools for PEOPLE to share and track links on the INTERNET.

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I am a scientist. To be specific, I am a WOMAN scientist. This, I have been told and have come to BELIEVE, is a good thing. In fact, it is such a good thing that America needs more of US. EVERYONE seems to be very sure of this. The thing that no one is sure about, however, is how to make it happen.

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If you PUT somebody on a CRACK pipe and give them a 9 mm Baretta, you don't have to be a rocket SCIENTIST to FIGURE out what's going to happen next.

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I see myself MAYBE being, LIKE, a MOVIE producer or SCREENWRITER or a novelist or a SCIENTIST or mathematician.

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A.R. Rahman is not a musician, he is a musical SCIENTIST, and when he gives ADVICE, you NEED to TAKE it SERIOUSLY.

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As a child, I remember my own INTENSIVE INTEREST in BIOLOGY, birds, other animals and flowers and was DETERMINED at an early age to BECOME a scientist.

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I WANTED to be a SCIENTIST, but I wanted to GO into SPACE. They are not mutually EXCLUSIVE.

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You make sure you broaden yourself and have a good solid background in MANY DIFFERENT things. That's what you need to be a good SCIENTIST.

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One of the things I've learned that has made me very successful, I THINK, as a SCIENTIST in general, SOMETIMES you just have to take a chance.

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I'm a SCIENTIST by NATURE and not by TRADE.

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