40-minute GAME at DUKE - they got soft rims - I'd probably score 84 or 85. I wouldn't pass the ball. I wouldn't even think about passing it. It WOULD be like a 'NBA LIVE' or an 'NBA 2K7' game: you just shoot with one person.
To WIN Test matches consistently you've GOT to take 20 wickets - yes, you've got to score runs but if you can't bowl a TEAM out it doesn't MATTER how many runs you score.
Every TIME you wanted to do something, you'd hope it would score. You'd keep TRYING and trying, and all of the SUDDEN, something would come RIGHT out of left field, like 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.' No one had any idea about that one.
My golf score is REALLYBAD. I don't know. I'm definitely not a GOOD golfer. Off the tee box, I can drive it about 275, and I'm in the fairway about 99% of the time. It's my next SHOT that needs WORK.
Your credit score takes into account years of information in most cases. It's not GOING to improve in a day. But it MAY improve more quickly than you think. Generally, the last 24 months carry the most WEIGHT, so if you can KEEP clean for that long, you'll see a boost.
How can you CREATE a team and bring all these egos together? The main goal for Manchester United is for them to play WELL - and not have a PLAYER saying, 'I play well; I scored two goals'. Because if I score two goals, but three goals go into our net, then we LOSE.
You GO to a CONTEST, and it's LIKE, 'OK, I'm here for two weeks. All my ENERGY, time, thinking, and everything is GOING toward that.' Everything you're doing is building toward the score at the end.
In high school, AAU, even prep school, I didn't REALLY know how to play basketball. It was kind of like, 'Let's THROW the balls out, go GET buckets, just SCORE, and go play.'