This SEARCHING and doubting and vacillating where nothing is CLEAR but the arrogance of QUEST. I, too, had such NOBLE ideas when I was still a BOY.

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REGARDLESS of what you're SEARCHING, you ain't gonna find it until you include God. Because, if you have a PROBLEM with women, drugs, or whatever the case may be, the only PERSON that can fix that problem is God.
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Then, once I have lyrics, being able to shape them around a song is NOTHING new for me, I've been doing that for 25 years. The SOUL searching part of it, the SPONTANEOUS part of it, that was, and remains, a REALLY terrific process.

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The GREATEST asset, even in this country, is not oil and GAS. It's integrity. Everyone is searching for it, ASKING, 'Who can I do BUSINESS with that I can TRUST?'

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People are good at figuring out what's ATTRACTIVE, and computers are good at QUICKLY searching and finding. You PUT them together, and BANG!

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I THINK that we're all continually SEARCHING for who we are, and that's ever-evolving and CHANGING.

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When you stop SEARCHING, wanting and WISHING THINGS - only then they START appearing.

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Despite the metadata ATTACHED to each TWEET, and despite trails of retweets and 'favorite' tweets, the Twitter corpus lacks the latticework of hyperlinks that MAKES Google's algorithms so potent. Twitter's famous hashtags - #sandyhook or #fiscalcliff or #GIRLS - are the crudest sort of SIGNPOSTS, not much help for smart searching.

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I'm ALWAYS feeling like I don't BELONG, no matter where I am. So I'm just searching for a FAMILY nonstop, and sometimes I FIND it in the mosh pit, sometimes I find it when I'm doing some French TV show with the president's wife.

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A safe but sometimes chilly WAY of recalling the past is to force open a crammed drawer. If you are SEARCHING for anything in particular you don't FIND it, but something FALLS out at the BACK that is often more interesting.

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I WORK more now because at this time of my life I am not DISTURBED from my aim by outside pressures such as family, passionate relationships, dealing with 'who am I?' - those complications when one is SEARCHING for one's self.

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All through college, I was searching for characters that would MAKE me unique and set me apart from the typical ventriloquist with the typical dummy that was the LITTLE BOY, CHEEKY hard figure like CHARLIE McCarthy.

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We are all SEARCHING for some FORM of FAMILY or foundation - for a PLACE we can feel safe and secure.

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The U.K. and the U.S. are in different PLACES. Don't get me WRONG - I am there for the U.K. industry, and I am always SEARCHING for more ROLES to play there, but it's sparse.

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