I used to break a LOT of clubs. I probably was a little different than your AVERAGE junior player. I did have a lot longer hair and a lot more brown hair. But my demeanor, you know, REALLY from maybe my second, THIRD year on Tour, has gotten a lot more even keel.

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You got to MAKE the most of your SECOND life. I was born Nayvadius, but now I'm FUTURE. Should I DWELL on what Nayvadius was SUPPOSED to be? I get a chance to experience life as something else. I wasn't supposed to be like this.

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There is no such THING as SECOND place. EITHER you're FIRST or you're NOTHING.

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But no WORK from a first rate MIND is ever really SECOND rate.

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A stiff apology is a SECOND insult... The injured party does not WANT to be compensated because he has been WRONGED; he wants to be HEALED because he has been hurt.

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If SOMEONE said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my SECOND to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari.

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I WROTE my first short story for a COMPETITION and won second PRIZE. Another competition CAME up and I won first prize. The first story was published in a newspaper. The second went out on radio.

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Commissions SUIT me. They SET limits. Jean Marais dared me to write play in which he would not speak in the first ACT, would weep for JOY in the second and in the last would fall backward down a FLIGHT of stairs.

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The first DAY one is a GUEST, the SECOND a burden, and the third a PEST.

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I am not a SECOND OPTION PERSON. It is that or nothing. If it is not the way I see it I prefer not to see it.

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In the aftermath of the second WORLD war, nations came TOGETHER to say 'never again.' They established the United Nations and agreed a simple set of universal STANDARDS of decency for mankind to CLING to: the Universal Declaration of HUMAN Rights.

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It's no SECRET that I love the country, and Japan has always felt like a SECOND HOME to me.

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Are you a POLITICIAN ASKING what your country can do for you or a zealous one asking what you can do for your country? If you are the first, then you are a parasite; if the SECOND, then you are an OASIS in the DESERT.

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The first point of WISDOM is to discern that which is FALSE; the second, to KNOW that which is TRUE.

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